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Geek Academy Git usage video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Git local operation

Introduction to Git

05 minutes20 seconds

Git installation and simple configuration

13 minutes33 seconds

Git basic workflow

13 minutes43 seconds

Git staging area

04 minutes55 seconds

Git local branch and merge

19 minutes49 seconds

View and compare history

10 minutes47 seconds

Undo changes

12 minutes30 seconds

Rewrite history

11 minutes51 seconds
Chapter2Git remote collaboration

Introduction to GitHub

08 minutes14 seconds

The main commands for Git remote collaboration

11 minutes30 seconds

GitHub Pull Request process

10 minutes48 seconds
Chapter3In-depth understanding of Git remote operations

Tracking branches vs. remote-tracking branches

11 minutes09 seconds

[remote] configuration in remote operation

23 minutes10 seconds

[branch] configuration in remote operation

14 minutes06 seconds
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