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Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction and preparation

Introduction to C# language

Visual Studio version selection and download

Hello World in C#

Chapter2C# basic syntax

C# value types

C# struct and enum

C#’s built-in reference types

Classes in C#

Interface for C#

Implicit and explicit conversions in C#

C# performs type conversion through Method

Boxing, unboxing and Nullable types in C#

C# conditional statements

C# loop statement

Arrays in C#

ArrayList and List in C#

Hashtable and Dictionary in C#

Chapter3C# object-oriented features

C# encapsulation and public, private

C# encapsulation and internal, protected

Inheritance in C#

Several examples of inheritance in C#

Static polymorphism in C#

Dynamic polymorphism in C#

Chapter4C# language advanced features

Basic syntax for exception handling in C#

Exception classes in C#

C# handling exceptions

Get file details in C#

C# write file operation

C# read file operation

C# indexer syntax

C# indexer overloading

C# interface-based indexers and code robustness

Calling static methods through delegates in C#

Calling instantiation methods through delegates in C#

C# 的 multi-casting delegate

Usage of events in WinForms in C#

C# event syntax

C# event related content

Implementation of generics on Class in C#

Further discussion of C# generic classes

Implementation of C# generics on method Method

Implementation of C# generics on delegate Delegate

Several simple built-in Attributes in C#

C# Custom Attribute

Obtain information in Attribute through reflection in C#

System.Type-based reflection in C#

Reflection of methods, properties, etc. in C#

Dynamic loading and delayed binding in C#

Basic concepts of C# preprocessing directives and regional preprocessing directives

Conditional preprocessing directives for C#

C# line count and pragma preprocessing directives

Basic concepts and learning tools for regular expressions

Basic syntax of regular expressions

Regex class for C#

Common methods of C#’s Regex class

C#’s Match class and Group class

The basic concepts of C# anonymous functions and the development history of delegation

Anonymous methods in C#

Lambda expressions in C#

Basic concepts and advantages of LINQ for C#

The basic components of C#'s LINQ Query

Several basic operations of C#'s LINQ Query

C#'s LINQ Query's into, let keywords

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