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Introduction >
Chapter1Han Shunping handles web design easily (Part 1)


html introduction

html file structure

html hyperlink images and tables

html recipe page exercise

html list

html common elements

HTML enhancement (various fonts, Entities)

HTML enhancement (text layout, table advanced, multimedia page)

The first chapter of div css

First introduction to css

wildcard selector

Selector exercise

box model

Box model classic case 2

Box model classic case 3

clear float

Imitation of sohu website home page layout

js course introduction

Chapter2Han Shunping easily masters web design (Part 2)

js basic syntax

js basic data types and operators

js operators and shift operations

js three major process controls

js debugging skills

js custom function

js system function

Memory analysis of js function calling process

js one-dimensional array

js two-dimensional array

Introduction to js object-oriented programming

Class and object details

Detailed explanation of this keyword


Object class

js super mario mini game

Further explanation of js object-oriented

Three major characteristics of js object-oriented

Classic case of polymorphism

Chapter3Han Shunping easily masters web design (Part 3)

js inner class

js event driven mechanism

In-depth understanding of js event-driven mechanism

The first chapter of DOM programming

Introduction to dom

dom object (window object)

js event driven programming

dom object (document①)

DOM programming enhancement

Pool game

Drag and drop window case at will

Imitation sohu channel switching effect

dom object

dom object(2)

table object

The beginning of js regular expressions

Detailed explanation of js regular expressions

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