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Python full-stack development tutorial-beginner to master

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Installation and use of Python interpreter

07 minutes32 seconds

Installation and use of PyCharm

11 minutes25 seconds

Classification of programming languages

06 minutes49 seconds

Introduction to Python language and development tools

10 minutes17 seconds

IPO programming approach

00 minutes40 seconds

Use of print function

16 minutes19 seconds

Use of input function

04 minutes04 seconds

Annotations in Python

06 minutes06 seconds

Indentation in Python and summary of this chapter

03 minutes55 seconds

Chapter exercises explained

05 minutes16 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

Reserved words and identifiers

09 minutes19 seconds

Variables and constants

10 minutes36 seconds

Numeric type

12 minutes51 seconds

string type

19 minutes10 seconds

Boolean type

05 minutes48 seconds

type conversion function

09 minutes27 seconds

eval function

06 minutes19 seconds

arithmetic operators

04 minutes01 seconds

assignment operator

08 minutes35 seconds

comparison operator

03 minutes46 seconds

Logical Operators

06 minutes52 seconds

Bitwise operations and operator precedence

11 minutes14 seconds

Summary of this chapter and explanation of chapter exercises

16 minutes18 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

How the program is described

03 minutes47 seconds

sequential structure

05 minutes04 seconds

Select structure if

13 minutes47 seconds

double branch structure

04 minutes00 seconds

multi-branch structure

04 minutes26 seconds

Use of nested if

05 minutes29 seconds

Multiple conditional connections

04 minutes30 seconds

Python3.11 new features-pattern matching

02 minutes36 seconds

Traverse loop for

10 minutes30 seconds

infinite loop while

06 minutes48 seconds

Use a while loop to simulate user login

08 minutes34 seconds

Nested loop prints rectangles and triangles

17 minutes05 seconds

Nested loop prints out diamonds and hollow diamonds

14 minutes16 seconds

Use of break in loops

10 minutes16 seconds

Use of continue in loops

04 minutes41 seconds

Empty statement pass and summary of this chapter

02 minutes58 seconds

Chapter exercises explained

17 minutes03 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Sequence indexing and slicing operations

13 minutes46 seconds

Sequence related operations

07 minutes30 seconds

Basic operations on lists

11 minutes31 seconds

List-specific operations

13 minutes38 seconds

List generation and two-dimensional list

07 minutes28 seconds

Creation and deletion of tuples

05 minutes00 seconds

Tuple access and traversal

03 minutes23 seconds

tuple generation

04 minutes09 seconds

Dictionary creation and deletion

09 minutes42 seconds

Access and traversal of dictionary elements

03 minutes48 seconds

Related methods of dictionary operations

05 minutes58 seconds

dictionary generation

02 minutes05 seconds

Collection creation and deletion

06 minutes48 seconds

Set operators

03 minutes26 seconds

Collection operation methods and collection traversal

05 minutes13 seconds

Python3.11 new features

07 minutes50 seconds

Chapter summary and multiple choice questions

06 minutes37 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Practical Combat 1-What is the millennium bug?

04 minutes20 seconds

Practical Combat 2-Simulating the shopping process of

07 minutes12 seconds

Practical Combat 3-Simulating the 12306 Ticket Booking Process

07 minutes29 seconds

Practical Combat 4-Simulating Cell Phone Address Book

01 minutes49 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

Common methods for strings 1

06 minutes20 seconds

Commonly used methods for strings 2

05 minutes36 seconds

Three ways to format strings

06 minutes20 seconds

format detailed format control

07 minutes29 seconds

Encoding and decoding strings

07 minutes03 seconds

Data validation methods

09 minutes01 seconds

String processing-string concatenation operation

03 minutes31 seconds

String processing-string deduplication operation

03 minutes41 seconds

Introduction to regular expressions and related symbols

05 minutes26 seconds

Use of match function in re module

06 minutes31 seconds

Use of search function and findall function in re module

04 minutes57 seconds

The use of sub function and split function in re module

04 minutes46 seconds

Chapter summary

02 minutes40 seconds

Chapter multiple choice questions

06 minutes50 seconds
Chapter7Chapter VII

Practical Combat 1-License Plate Ownership

01 minutes19 seconds

Practical Combat 2 - Count the number of occurrences of a specified character

01 minutes59 seconds

Practical Combat 3-Formatting and Outputting Product Information

03 minutes40 seconds

Practical Combat 4-Use regular expressions to extract image URLs

04 minutes01 seconds

The origin and classification of bugs

13 minutes32 seconds

Exception handling in Python

11 minutes32 seconds

Use of raise keyword

03 minutes28 seconds

Common exception types in Python

05 minutes09 seconds

Program debugging with PyCharm

07 minutes49 seconds

Chapter summary and chapter multiple choice questions

04 minutes49 seconds
Chapter8chapter eight

Practical Combat 1 - Manually throw an exception if the entered score is incorrect

02 minutes48 seconds

Practical Combat 2 - Determine whether a triangle is formed

02 minutes40 seconds

Function definition and calling

08 minutes22 seconds

Function parameter passing - positional parameter passing and keyword parameter passing

08 minutes43 seconds

Parameter passing of functions-default value parameters

05 minutes14 seconds

Parameter passing of functions - variable parameters

06 minutes39 seconds

function return value

08 minutes22 seconds

variable scope

08 minutes30 seconds

Use of anonymous functions

07 minutes36 seconds

Recursive operation of functions

08 minutes01 seconds

Fibonacci Sequence

04 minutes43 seconds

Commonly used built-in functions - type conversion functions

07 minutes19 seconds

Common built-in functions-mathematical functions

05 minutes21 seconds

Commonly used built-in functions-iterator operation functions

11 minutes49 seconds

Commonly used built-in functions-other functions

05 minutes23 seconds

Chapter summary

02 minutes57 seconds

Chapter multiple choice questions

07 minutes59 seconds

Practical Combat 1 - Calculate the maximum value of list elements

03 minutes20 seconds

Practical Combat 2 - Extract all numbers in the string and sum them

03 minutes46 seconds

Practical Combat 3-Conversion of uppercase and lowercase letters in strings

04 minutes52 seconds

Practical Combat 4 - Implementing the judgment function of operator in

03 minutes47 seconds
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