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C#+WPF PC development course (modular and reactive programming)

Introduction >

001-Introduction and creating a new C# project

11 minutes29 seconds

002-Install Prism framework and ReactiveUI framework

08 minutes17 seconds

003-Apps using the Prism framework and binding ViewModels

16 minutes52 seconds

004-Using the module functionality of the Prism framework

24 minutes09 seconds

005-Configure the module directory of the Prism framework

12 minutes19 seconds

006-Code submission and Gitee operation demonstration

07 minutes38 seconds

007-Install MahApps theme and application demo

21 minutes37 seconds

008-Create a login module and load it on demand

24 minutes15 seconds

009-Reference the Font font library and use the font

15 minutes13 seconds

010-Host computer general architecture design analysis

13 minutes31 seconds

011-How to write custom characteristics

012-Extend Prism framework functionality-utilize attributes and reflection into IOC containers

013-Create core modules and use the dependency injection function of the Prism framework

014-MVVM knowledge-form Loaded event to Command event

015 - User Login - Using Prism Event Aggregator and Area Navigation

016-Development dialog box-custom control UserControl

017-Assertion class

018- Resource dictionary development of language management module (ResourceDict

019-Language management module switching application between Simplified Chinese, translation and English

020-Layout of the main module (Grid control)

Chapter2Modular design

021-Menu module development (learning dependencies between modules)

022-Create Image module

023-Create camera module and write camera abstract class

024-Management of unmanaged memory arrays (parent class writing)

025-Management of unmanaged memory arrays (subclass writing)

026-BGRA image structure encapsulation

027-Design and implementation of simulated camera subclass

028-Design of FPD flat panel detector interface

029-FPD flat panel detector parent class design

030-Design of simulation subclass of FPD flat panel detector

031-Load local Tiff image data

032-Create hardware initialization module

033-Hardware loading and life cycle manager development (asynchronous and Task)

034-Hardware initialization module-load all hardware

035-Solve the problem of unable to load bitmap

036-Create NLog log module to capture global exceptions in the application

037-Create prism dialog viewmdoel base class

038-Create system configuration module

039-Json file serialization and deserialization helper class

040-System configuration manager (ConfigManager)

Chapter3hardware module

041-Reading and writing configuration parameters of each module

042-System configuration interface design and business writing

24 minutes43 seconds

043-Calling WinForm control PropertyGri in WPF

044-Development of cache service manager (Dictionary)

045-Development of password remembering and automatic login functions of login module

046-Download Hikvision industrial camera SDK and development documents

047-HIK Hikvision camera’s SDK dynamic library dll import and camera initialization

048-HIK Hikvision camera’s soft trigger image acquisition and camera uninstallation

049-Control card interface development

050-Control card abstract parent class development (initialization and configuration parameters)

051-Control card abstract parent class development (motion axis zero return and moving axis)

052-Development of control card simulation class

053-Zhongweixing control card SDK package download, installation and module development

054-Zhongweixing control card initialization and start

055-Positive and negative limits, origin, programming mode, and pulse equivalent of Zhongweixing control card

056-Axis motion operation and shutdown of Zhongweixing control card

057-Add camera, motion axis and main operating area

058-Add image operation area layout and install MahApps theme

059-Add shortcut menu and learn button Style

060-CheckBox control style and property binding between controls

Chapter4Image module

061-Creating a double-buffered memory manager for unmanaged arrays

062-Create image processing module

063-Collect camera image data to double buffer memory area

064-Collect flat panel detector image data to double buffer memory area

065-16-bit gray image source bound to Image control

066-ComboBox control extension function (binding enumeration elements)

067-Uninstall all hardware when closing software

068-Trigger the collection of image data from simulated cameras and simulated detectors

069-Add mouse operation mode (MouseWorkMode)

070-Get the mouse movement position in real time in the control

071-Initialize the zoom and pan state when displaying the image

072-Explanation of interface communication and reactive programming between modules (observer mode

073-ScaleTransform scaling Grid control

074-Observe the value changes of Combobox for quick image scaling

075-Download opencv image processing library

09 minutes02 seconds

076-Import the opencv image processing library into the C++ project

077-C++ template application explanation-Opencv Mat image to C++

078-C# calls the dynamic link library dll function generated by C++

079-Defining the structure of the image (struct)

080-C# structure communicates with C++ structure and opencv library

Chapter5reactive programming

081-Modify detector image size

12 minutes43 seconds

082-Create image filtering algorithm processing flow module

083-Interface to create filter algorithm model

084-Create a Test filter algorithm corresponding to a function in C++

085-Use reflection and characteristics to instantiate filter algorithm model (key knowledge)

086-Import Png icons to display as BitmapImage

087-Add Sobel algorithm to demonstrate function calling in opencv

088-Reactive programming practical explanation of the use of observer pattern

089-Reactive programming-merging multiple observer objects

090-Reactive programming-call opencv function and display image

091-Call opencv median filter function

092-Handling the bug that the filter interface does not switch

093-Add opencv Gaussian filter algorithm

094-Add motion axis control module

095-Add the start and stop movement functions of the motion axis

096-Control other axes and display the motion status of the motion axis

097-Use Path to develop fan-shaped Button style

098-Reading and writing cached data in the program

099-Create camera preview module project

100-Write the UI interface of the camera preview module

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