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Advanced PHP Swoft Getting Started with Microservices

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Introduction and environment installation

06 minutes58 seconds

Install Swoft environment

03 minutes36 seconds

Install Swoft framework

03 minutes55 seconds

Dcoker deployment and Dockerfile analysis

03 minutes55 seconds

Swoft directory introduction

03 minutes02 seconds

SwoftBean container

10 minutes16 seconds

Swoft annotation usage and principles

08 minutes30 seconds

Swoft injection

02 minutes55 seconds

Swoft event listening and sending events

06 minutes42 seconds

Swoft command line scaffolding

05 minutes06 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

Swoft developer tools

04 minutes02 seconds

Controller Controller usage and precautions

08 minutes25 seconds

Request and response

07 minutes10 seconds

Annotate using Route routing

02 minutes56 seconds

Introduction and use of middleware

13 minutes03 seconds

Middleware case integration jwt

08 minutes06 seconds

Authenticator (ported TP5.1 authenticator)

07 minutes14 seconds

Exception Handler handling

08 minutes42 seconds

Database configuration

02 minutes59 seconds


03 minutes21 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Entity operation data (newly added to the database)

07 minutes00 seconds

Entity operation data (query data)

10 minutes19 seconds

Entity operation data (update, delete and aggregation)

05 minutes53 seconds

Swoft read and write separation

05 minutes58 seconds

Query introduction and writing data

04 minutes21 seconds

Queryer queries, updates and deletes conditional processing data

09 minutes57 seconds

Queryer aggregation query method

02 minutes21 seconds

Queryer joins table query and paging

08 minutes08 seconds

Models hierarchy

11 minutes09 seconds

Use of Redis

04 minutes12 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Api Case 1: Directory Structure and User Registration Function

17 minutes30 seconds

Api Case 2: Verification Code Verification Edit and Delete implemented by redis

15 minutes32 seconds

Api Case 3: Using redis to cache user information through Data

15 minutes07 seconds

Api case four: controlling authentication through middleware jwt login status

08 minutes16 seconds

Api case five: Explanation of Api case calling process (summary)

03 minutes47 seconds

Flash sale case: RedisMySQL implements high concurrency flash sale

15 minutes03 seconds

Create Task and deliver it

06 minutes21 seconds

Task listenerListener

04 minutes15 seconds


02 minutes19 seconds

Asynchronous text messaging (task small case)

04 minutes19 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Define pre-process and custom process to deliver asynchronous tasks

08 minutes49 seconds

Process Case 1: Consuming Redis Queue

04 minutes36 seconds

Process Case 2: Installing RabbitMQ and Simple Queue Implementation

10 minutes08 seconds

Process Case 3: RabbitMQ Fixed Delay Queue Settings

08 minutes23 seconds

Process Case 4: RabbitMQ dynamic delay queue setting

08 minutes10 seconds

The concept of AOP aspect programming

04 minutes31 seconds

AOP implementation principle

02 minutes44 seconds

AOP principle static proxy implementation

08 minutes25 seconds

AOP principle dynamic proxy implementation

09 minutes13 seconds

Introduction to aspect annotations

01 minutes28 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

PointExecution non-invasive entry point

08 minutes46 seconds

PointBean non-intrusive entry point

05 minutes19 seconds

PointAnnotation annotation class definition

04 minutes31 seconds

Wrapper class definition of PointAnnotation

02 minutes03 seconds

Parser class and Collector class definition of PointAnnotation

03 minutes40 seconds

PointAnnotation's Aspect aspect class definition uses

08 minutes54 seconds
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