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Apipost from beginner to proficient

Introduction >
Chapter1Apipost basics

Meet Apipost

04 minutes28 seconds

Installation and use of Apipost

08 minutes35 seconds
Chapter2How to write a php interface

Thinkphp6 creates an interface

05 minutes43 seconds

Generate dynamic data interface

07 minutes19 seconds

Organize data return format

07 minutes02 seconds

A set of shopping process interfaces

05 minutes17 seconds
Chapter3API debugging

apipost adds shopping process interface

10 minutes48 seconds

api debugging environment

04 minutes49 seconds

API debugging parameters

03 minutes59 seconds

Dynamic parameters for api debugging

04 minutes31 seconds

Pre-execution scripts and post-execution scripts

07 minutes02 seconds

Share interface, share documents

06 minutes16 seconds

Basic operations of API design

05 minutes28 seconds

automated test

08 minutes11 seconds

apipost notes

02 minutes49 seconds
Chapter4Supplementary file

Get to know apipos

Introduction to apipost free version and enterprise version

03 minutes29 seconds

apipost usage - api debugging

apipost usage - share documents in real time

apipost usage-api design

apipost usage - interface use case

apipost usage - interface one-click stress test

apipost usage - automated testing

apipost uses - cookie manager, archive management, global parameters and parameter description library

apipost usage - document sharing, data model, project settings

01 minutes02 seconds

apipost usage - project settings

05 minutes07 seconds

Use of apipost - Introduction to project team and note-taking functions

apipost usage - introduction to built-in Mock field variables

00 minutes37 seconds

apipost usage - introduction to streamlined mode and skin functions

01 minutes57 seconds

apipost usage-Introduction to platform setting function

apipost usage - introduction to collaboration logs, messages and other functions

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