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RunnerGo from beginner to proficient

Introduction >
Chapter1Course Introduction

Course Introduction

04 minutes05 seconds
Chapter2RunnerGo opening introduction and scene management

Introduction to the introduction and features of RunnerGo

11 minutes01 seconds

Introduction to RunnerGo home page display content

05 minutes00 seconds

Get started quickly with the RunnerGo interface management module

16 minutes05 seconds

RunnerGo scene management_create scenes

RunnerGo scene management_batch test scene construction

Basic use of RunnerGo automated testing

06 minutes44 seconds

News APP scene construction

15 minutes01 seconds

News scenario APP automated testing

Chapter3Performance Testing

Performance Testing_Centralized Control Concurrency Mode

Performance Test_Centralized Control Ladder Mode

Interface block interface weight setting and description

Performance Test_Error Rate Mode

Performance Testing_Response Practice Mode

Performance test_Responses per second mode

Performance Test_Default Configuration

Chapter4RunnerGo source code deployment

RunnerGo source code deployment management service

Database construction for RunnerGo source code deployment

RunnerGo source code deployment fe service

RunnerGo source code deployment file-server service

RunnerGo source code deployment engine service

RunnerGo source code deployment collector service

07 minutes47 seconds
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