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18 days of practical development of Python+WeChat applet

Introduction >
Chapter1Introduction to mini programs, global configuration, flex layout

Introduction to mini programs

13 minutes58 seconds

Mini program environment construction

30 minutes54 seconds

Global configuration

19 minutes27 seconds

flex layout-1

29 minutes18 seconds

flex layout-2

03 minutes49 seconds

flex example

20 minutes44 seconds


08 minutes25 seconds
Chapter2Page jump, obtain positioning information

Today's summary

02 minutes16 seconds

Content review

06 minutes16 seconds

Page jump-1

21 minutes34 seconds

Page jump-2

04 minutes42 seconds

data binding

20 minutes51 seconds

Get user information-1

18 minutes45 seconds

Get user information-2

25 minutes12 seconds

Get location information

06 minutes34 seconds

for instruction

14 minutes00 seconds

Upload image example

23 minutes51 seconds

Today’s summary

12 minutes55 seconds

Today's homework

07 minutes18 seconds
Chapter3Two-way binding, sending network requests, and writing back-end interfaces

Today's summary

04 minutes42 seconds

Content review

10 minutes18 seconds

Two-way binding

13 minutes23 seconds

Mini program sends network request

10 minutes30 seconds

Create drf backend interface

03 minutes42 seconds

Backend interface writing

13 minutes41 seconds

Mini program test interface configuration this time

01 minutes34 seconds


13 minutes00 seconds

Sending SMS verification code process

53 minutes13 seconds

Tencent Cloud SMS usage

30 minutes14 seconds


02 minutes05 seconds
Chapter4User login, user information

Today's summary

06 minutes09 seconds

Content review

09 minutes43 seconds

User login interface

09 minutes36 seconds

Send SMS verification code

36 minutes17 seconds

User login

51 minutes44 seconds

Mini program global globalData

19 minutes11 seconds

local storage storage

09 minutes23 seconds

Get user information

32 minutes35 seconds

The home page displays avatars and user logic

12 minutes05 seconds


17 minutes58 seconds

Today's homework

07 minutes46 seconds
Chapter5Page value transfer, Tencent object storage upload object

Today's summary

06 minutes00 seconds

Child page passes value to parent page

33 minutes43 seconds

Summary of page value transfer

03 minutes47 seconds

Tencent object storage upload pictures

40 minutes15 seconds

Tencent Cloud temporary key

17 minutes45 seconds


03 minutes43 seconds
Chapter6News release and home page ideas

Today's summary

01 minutes54 seconds

Quick content review

04 minutes03 seconds

Progress bar component

19 minutes23 seconds

Modify data local data

21 minutes24 seconds

News release logic

20 minutes34 seconds

News release interface

23 minutes33 seconds

front-end closure

News homepage implementation ideas

News details page implementation ideas

task list

Chapter7Detailed explanation of examples

Release function implementation ideas

Release implementation ideas

Review of drf knowledge points

Example explanation: api location

Example explanation: Home page implementation ideas

Example explanation: initializing data

Example explanation: Home page display

Example explanation: Slide to the bottom for processing

Example explanation: Pull down to refresh

Detailed example: ListAPIView application

Example explanation: waterfall flow

Home page function summary

Example explanation: Detailed page acquisition and basic data

Example explanation: Browse record data

Example explanation: Comment table structure

Example explanation: Initialization of comment data

Example explanation: Obtaining first-level comments

Example explanation: Obtaining second-level comments

Example explanation: Obtaining second-level comments-2

Example explanation: Mini program detailed page display

Example explanation: comment display

Example: Get more comments

Example: Post a comment

Example: Reply to comments

Today's homework

Chapter8Login integration, user authentication

Today's summary

Login Integration-1

Login Integration-2

17 minutes40 seconds

User Authentication

Custom authentication components

Thinking questions

Certified components for multiple applications

Custom tabbar

Release only after certification

The above summary

How to get request in serialized component

News like processing

Summary of mini program stage content

Summary of backend api stage content

34 minutes29 seconds

Django offline script supplement

Chapter9WeChat Pay

WeChat payment account application

WeChat payment steps

Case: table structure design

Case: User login and unified order placement

Case: Payments and Notifications

30 minutes28 seconds

WeChat payment summary

Today's task

Chapter10Introduction to celery

Today’s summary and introduction to celery

19 minutes03 seconds

Introduction to celery and getting started quickly

31 minutes32 seconds

celery simple example

Application of celery in Django-1

Application of celery in Django-2


celery scheduled tasks


Interface example: Auction Special-1

49 minutes49 seconds

Interface example: Auction Special-2

24 minutes25 seconds

Interface example: Special session details-1

Interface example: Special session details-2

Interface example: single product details

Interface example: margin

Interface example: bidding

Interface Example: Transactions and Locks Supplement

Preview for next year

Chapter11Mini program knowledge points

Overview of Mini Program Project and Supplementary Explanation of Closures

Review of mini program publishing and login functions

Review of Mini Program Backend API Knowledge Points

Review of Mini Program Auction Business

Mini program background management business functions

Preview of project follow-up arrangements

Backend management tasks and technical requirements

Chapter12Lot management

Special event management

datetimepicker and conference room reservation extension

Stage Q&A

Lot list and add lot logic

Lot specification management

Lot image management design

Edit and delete lots

Today’s development tasks


Content review

Today's summary

Django integrated celery

Application of celery scheduled tasks

Q&A: The difference between task and shared_task

Q&A: ImageField field and URLField field

Ideas for implementing scheduled tasks at the end of the auction

Chapter14Order related, WeChat refund API, Q&A

Today's summary

Order related table structure

Order fulfillment is generated at the end of the auction

Orders not paid within 24 hours will be overdue.

Development tasks

WeChat Refund API and FieldField Impact

16 minutes52 seconds

Q&A and task arrangement

Extra extension: django contenttypes component

Additional extension: related_name function

Today's arrangements

Chapter15Functional testing, coupon management

Today's summary

Functional testing: order and return processing

Functional testing and code grooming

Functional Test: Overdue Payment Processing

Coupon function view

Discussion on coupon implementation ideas

Coupon Management Example: Creating Coupons

Coupon Management Example: Creating Coupon Supplements

Coupon Management Example: Deleting Coupons

Coupon Management Example: Edit Coupons

Mini program and API examples: Coupon Collection Center

Mini Program and API Examples: Receive Coupons

Mini Program and API Example: My Coupon

Today's task


Q&A supplement

Chapter16Payment business logic, order list

Today's summary

Content review

Payment business logic design discussion

Table structure design ideas

The table structure corresponds to the creation of ORM classes

Order list implementation ideas and tasks

Q&A: Database Migration

Q&A: Order list API interface

Order list applet implementation

Payment implementation ideas and tasks

Apply for https certificate task

Chapter17Mini program payment, project deployment

Today's summary

Display of pending payment orders for payment in the mini-app

Select coupons, deposits, addresses, etc. for payment in the mini program

Pay immediately on the mini-app

26 minutes46 seconds

Project deployment https and nginx reverse proxy

58 minutes33 seconds

Processing of project deployment django static files and configuration

Mini program deployment

21 minutes21 seconds

Summary: Project Resume

Project and Ending and Student Tasks

Chapter18Release system

Today's summary

01 minutes23 seconds

Q&A on mini program projects

01 Hours11 minutes56 seconds

Mini program project issues

Release system: Notes on code release

Publishing system: My publishing system

08 minutes14 seconds

Publishing system: secret key management

Publishing Systems: Project and Environment Management

07 minutes32 seconds

Publishing system: publishing task management

Release system: publish synopsis in real time

Release system: real-time release of charts and log initialization

Publishing system: publishing node details implementation

29 minutes58 seconds

final advice

19 minutes38 seconds
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