Interface introduction and implementation of a simple interface
13 minutes44 secondsIntroduction to interface implementation details
06 minutes01 secondsTwo ways to assign values to interfaces
16 minutes26 secondsInterface type as parameter
08 minutes11 secondsInterface nesting
04 minutes10 secondsGo language empty interface
08 minutes36 secondsType assertions in go language
13 minutes37 secondsSlice or structure assigned to empty interface access
One-to-many-to-one relationship between types and interfaces
Implement web server
http sends get request with parameters and obtains parameters
http sends post request and obtains post data
Get cookie and session settings
Simple introduction to using template
Pipe if-range usage
with built-in function custom function use
Template nesting and context-aware escaping
Introduction to process thread coroutine parallelism and concurrency
Introduction to go coroutines and GPM scheduling
Goroutine coroutine creation and running process analysis
waitGroup thread synchronization implementation
Introduction to the use of runtime packages
Mutex lock solves the problem of multi-coroutine resource competition
Thread-safe usage
Use sync.once to implement singleton mode
Atomic atomic operation implements inventory reduction operation
Other uses of atomic operations
channel and unbuffered channel use
Channel range traversal and closing
Use buffered channels and implement mutex locks
One-way channel implements read-only and write-only
select multiplexing and timeout processing
Socket implements client-server communication
Concurrent socket implementation
websocket realizes mutual communication
File operation file writing and creation
File reading for file operations
Log usage and writing to files
Introduction to unit testing and simple use
Unit testing other uses
Benchmark testing - performance testing use
The use of reflection TypeOf
Reflection's ValueOf uses to change the variable value
Using reflection in structures
go connect to MySQL database
13 minutes30 secondsMySQL insert and query
MySQL update delete transaction
11 minutes13 secondsGo operation Redis
15 minutes34 secondsGo operates Memcache
09 minutes32 seconds