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Golang Basics to Mastery (Season 1)

Introduction >
Chapter1Go course introduction and go language introduction

Golang language introduction

09 minutes54 seconds

Introduction to go language features

17 minutes29 seconds
Chapter2Install go on win/linux and run the first program

Install go on linux and run it

11 minutes10 seconds

Install go and goland in win10

19 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to go's first program running and compilation commands

07 minutes25 seconds
Chapter3Go basic syntax and variable naming

Introduction to golang basic syntax

14 minutes11 seconds

Introduction to golang escape characters and output functions

11 minutes53 seconds

Variable naming methods and naming rules

17 minutes53 seconds

Anonymous variables local variables global variables

15 minutes37 seconds
Chapter4go variable data type

Introduction to data type int

14 minutes44 seconds

data type value float

08 minutes04 seconds

Data type Boolean type

06 minutes26 seconds

Introduction and definition of strings

19 minutes34 seconds
Chapter5String manipulation functions

String operation function 1

09 minutes37 seconds

String operation function 2

13 minutes38 seconds
Chapter6Data type conversion

Convert integer to other data type

Convert string to other data type


Arithmetic operators and precautions

Relational operators and other operators

Chapter8flow control statement

Constant definition declaration uses

flow control statement if

flow control statement switch

Loop control for

Loop control range-break-goto

Chapter9Use of arrays in go language

Several ways to define array declarations

Two-dimensional array declaration and array loop traversal

Array value transfer and array summary

Chapter10Go language slicing usage

Introduction to slicing and make definition of slicing

Slice definition and empty slice nil slice

Slices and array references

Slice append dynamic expansion

Slice append is separated from the underlying array

Remove elements from slice

Slice copy, two-dimensional slice and slice traversal

Package sort sorts slices

Chapter11Pointers and maps

Introduction to pointer definition and use

Map definition statement and addition, deletion, modification and query operations

Map loop traversal and map traversal in order

Element map type slice and value is slice type map

Chapter12Go language function

Function definition and variable scope

Function parameters and return values

Use of anonymous functions

Use of recursive functions and closure functions

Introduction to defer and analysis of operation process

Init function usage introduction and execution sequence demonstration

Custom type of function

Higher-order functions as parameters and as return values

Chapter13structure of go language

Structure introduction definition and instantiation

Various ways of instantiating structures

Anonymous structures and anonymous fields

The field type is slice map

Nested structure

Structure method definition and call

07 minutes40 seconds

Structure value passing pointer type receiver

Structure inheritance combination and constructor

Structure json conversion and tag tag

Chapter14Package usage/time package/error handling

Introduction to packages and custom packages

Custom package reference

go get third-party package download to local

Use of third-party packages and use of other go commands

Use of time package

Error handling panic-defer-recover

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