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Operation and maintenance automation platform project

Introduction >
Chapter1Front-end project initialization

Introduction to operation and maintenance automation platform

05 minutes28 seconds

Comparison between front-end and back-end separation and non-separation modes

33 minutes18 seconds

VUE-CLI scaffolding project initialization

10 minutes41 seconds

VUE-CLI project construction process

30 minutes34 seconds

Introducing the axios module to send Ajax requests

13 minutes01 seconds

ajax request parameter global configuration

13 minutes51 seconds

Installation and configuration use ant-design-vue

22 minutes42 seconds

Send ajax request in ant-design-vue component

17 minutes55 seconds

Install, configure and use echarts components

24 minutes16 seconds

Login component initialization

06 minutes10 seconds

Base page initialization

16 minutes14 seconds

Subrouting configuration

24 minutes15 seconds
Chapter2Backend project initialization

Introduction to python virtual environment

12 minutes54 seconds

Related commands for virtual environment

20 minutes05 seconds

Virtual environment construction project based on pycharm

09 minutes13 seconds

Backend project directory structure design

31 minutes24 seconds

Register and configure DRF components

12 minutes31 seconds

Log configuration and application

27 minutes51 seconds

Configure exception handling function and connect to MySQL

09 minutes35 seconds

Front-end and back-end domain name settings and hosts file management

15 minutes19 seconds

Solve cross-domain problems caused by the same-origin policy

27 minutes40 seconds

Complex cross-domain requests and cors-headers components

13 minutes44 seconds
Chapter3Login authentication function

Create user model and generate user table

37 minutes13 seconds

Create superuser

09 minutes19 seconds

Cookie and session mechanism

11 minutes14 seconds

JWT authentication mechanism

36 minutes43 seconds

Certified components for DRF applications

33 minutes54 seconds

Authentication components for DRF applications 2

27 minutes47 seconds

Authentication components for DRF applications 3

22 minutes58 seconds

Permission components for DRF applications

22 minutes13 seconds

Authentication implementation of host interface

28 minutes26 seconds

Log in to get token

15 minutes31 seconds
Chapter4Host management

Frontend configuration file

07 minutes13 seconds

Storing tokens based on localStorge and sessionStorge

27 minutes29 seconds

How to play accessor

32 minutes31 seconds

Storage token based on vuex

42 minutes39 seconds

The host component obtains host data based on axios

19 minutes01 seconds

Application of route guard

22 minutes57 seconds

Host management front-end initialization

35 minutes16 seconds

Create host and host class model tables

10 minutes50 seconds

Host ssh login verification

41 minutes24 seconds

Host and host class interface implementation

58 minutes14 seconds

Front-end and back-end joint debugging of host functions

22 minutes30 seconds

Upload excel files to create hosts in batches

59 minutes42 seconds
Chapter5Springboard machine

class schedule

06 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to websocket protocol

37 minutes53 seconds

Chat room case front end

42 minutes40 seconds

Server side of chat room case

32 minutes02 seconds

Environment dependency file requirements

16 minutes48 seconds

Password-free login via ssh

19 minutes37 seconds

About the use of shortcut keys in pycharm

08 minutes00 seconds

Idea design for password-free login

22 minutes35 seconds

Public and private key management

42 minutes15 seconds

Password-free login implementation

32 minutes20 seconds
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