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swoole entry-level Internet of Things development and practice

Introduction >
Chapter1Basic introduction to the Internet of Things

Course introduction and IoT application scenarios

11 minutes06 seconds

IoT architecture components and related technologies

15 minutes07 seconds
Chapter2IoT device connection test

Serial server configuration connection

12 minutes37 seconds

Sensor connection and acquisition of temperature and humidity data

10 minutes59 seconds
Chapter3Swoole actually obtains temperature and humidity data and displays it on the web page in real time

swoole IoT practical extension installation

08 minutes59 seconds

swoole sends instructions to the device and receives data returned by the device

11 minutes27 seconds

Data conversion temperature and humidity to obtain equipment temperature and humidity in real time

10 minutes04 seconds

A brief introduction to the page display data process

07 minutes03 seconds

Create websocket client connection

08 minutes37 seconds

swoole enables real-time refresh and display of data on the web page

10 minutes07 seconds
Chapter4Swoole Internet of Things actually controls the switch closure of electrical appliances

swoole IoT practical equipment introduction

06 minutes27 seconds

swoole Internet of Things practical device connection

06 minutes00 seconds

Wireless network connection configuration and test software testing

13 minutes00 seconds

swoole implements device control switch closure

08 minutes28 seconds

Web control device switch closed

17 minutes34 seconds
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