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webrtc/swoole practical audio and video live broadcast project

Introduction >
Chapter1Courses and webrtc introduction

Courses and Introduction to WebRTC

12 minutes43 seconds
Chapter2Get multimedia devices and configurations

Get multimedia device information

18 minutes13 seconds

getUserMedia usage and configuration (1)

13 minutes59 seconds

getUserMedia usage and configuration (2)

14 minutes48 seconds
Chapter3Video screenshot filter recording playback download

Browser adaptation and video screenshot function

12 minutes15 seconds

video image filter

07 minutes31 seconds

Video image recording and playback

24 minutes59 seconds

Download of video recording files

12 minutes38 seconds
Chapter4Introduction to client interconnection sequence diagram

Introduction to stun server and signaling server

14 minutes35 seconds

Introduction to connection sequence diagram analysis between clients

11 minutes58 seconds
Chapter5webrtc+swoole practical video live broadcast (1)

The two clients generate and save the exchange sdp

20 minutes15 seconds

Candidate generation, exchange and save to implement data connection transmission

16 minutes29 seconds

swoole extension installation

07 minutes25 seconds

websocket service starts client connection test

12 minutes43 seconds

Client connections are stored in shared tables

19 minutes14 seconds

Delete the broken connection and save it again

16 minutes28 seconds
Chapter6webrtc+swoole practical video live broadcast (2)

Client A notifies Client B of the connection request

14 minutes05 seconds

turn server setup configuration

11 minutes48 seconds

clientA generates sdp and sends it to clientB

20 minutes27 seconds

clientB generates sdp and sends it to clientA

11 minutes17 seconds

Client candidate exchange implements video connection

15 minutes06 seconds

Function summary and process understanding

09 minutes07 seconds
  • CancelreplySending
  • Cancelpost a noteSending