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HTML+CSS+JavaScript front-end development quick start with zero foundation

Introduction >
Chapter1Web front-end introduction and development environment

What is web front end

39 minutes43 seconds

Development environment--preview and debugging tools

16 minutes36 seconds

Development environment--editor and common plug-in installation

28 minutes33 seconds
Chapter2W3C standards and common HTML tags

What are W3C standards

15 minutes33 seconds

What is HTML

14 minutes55 seconds

What is the role of DOCTYPE? With standard mode and weird mode

20 minutes59 seconds

What are the HTML page structure tags?

18 minutes16 seconds

What are block-level tags and what are their characteristics?

17 minutes42 seconds

inline tags in html

22 minutes05 seconds

meta tag usage

14 minutes24 seconds

Use of table tags

39 minutes56 seconds

Use of form tag

58 minutes21 seconds
Chapter3Basic characteristics and reference methods of CSS cascading style sheets

Basic characteristics of CSS cascading style sheets

23 minutes07 seconds

What are the ways to introduce CSS?

21 minutes44 seconds
Chapter4Common selectors in CSS

What are the common selectors (1)

32 minutes56 seconds

What are the common selectors (2)

25 minutes37 seconds

What are the common selectors (3)

23 minutes06 seconds

What are the common selectors (4)

38 minutes00 seconds
Chapter5CSS text and layout styles, floating and positioning

What are the text styles in CSS

43 minutes23 seconds

Common styles for CSS layout

39 minutes30 seconds

The use of position positioning

33 minutes46 seconds

float usage

34 minutes08 seconds
Chapter6CSS priority

CSS priority order

30 minutes28 seconds
Chapter7Practical cases

Case 01--Search input structure imitation

38 minutes08 seconds

Case 02--Jingang District Structure Imitation

23 minutes52 seconds

Case 03--Imitation of product list structure

49 minutes48 seconds
Chapter8CSS box model

Introduction to Box Model

10 minutes34 seconds

BFC understanding and application

40 minutes02 seconds

Several methods of centering

30 minutes07 seconds
Chapter9Introduction to JS and how to use JS in HTML

Introduction to JavaScript

17 minutes58 seconds

What are the three ways to use js in html?

07 minutes48 seconds
Chapter10Variables, data types, and data type conversion in JS

Variable definition rules and usage methods

17 minutes04 seconds

Basic types in data types

19 minutes35 seconds

Reference data types in data types

45 minutes37 seconds

Data type conversion

21 minutes15 seconds

Operator (operator) one

15 minutes53 seconds

Operator (operator) two

24 minutes30 seconds

Operator (operator) three

19 minutes27 seconds
Chapter12Conditional statements, control statements, loop statements

if statement (conditional statement)

14 minutes55 seconds

Control statement switch conditional statement

10 minutes14 seconds

Three types of loop statements

32 minutes26 seconds

function usage

26 minutes09 seconds

Timer setTimeout, setInterval

21 minutes01 seconds
Chapter14DOM manipulation

Introduction to DOM

10 minutes33 seconds

DOM selector

17 minutes57 seconds

DOM sets the style of the element

14 minutes53 seconds

DOM attribute manipulation

15 minutes03 seconds

Adding and deleting DOM nodes

16 minutes07 seconds
Chapter15event base

Event types and handle settings based on events 1

44 minutes28 seconds

Event Type and Handle Settings 2 of Event Basics

22 minutes30 seconds

Basic event operations

32 minutes38 seconds
Chapter16Product classification and classified product interaction

Product layout classification implementation

21 minutes03 seconds

Classified product interaction implementation method

49 minutes51 seconds
Chapter17BOM browser object model and three JS objects

Introduction to BOM browser object model and common operations

20 minutes10 seconds

Three major objects of JavaScript: local objects, built-in objects, and host objects

10 minutes45 seconds

wrapper object

11 minutes29 seconds
Chapter18Scope and scope chain

js scope and scope chain

26 minutes36 seconds
Chapter19json and ajax cross domain

json format

28 minutes28 seconds

Ajax cross-domain problems and solutions

52 minutes28 seconds
Chapter20Comprehensive Cases for the First Stage

Comprehensive case implementation one

37 minutes08 seconds

Comprehensive case implementation two

42 minutes00 seconds
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