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Vue3.0 Quick Start Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Vue3-MVVM pattern and component development

Get to know the new version of VUE3 Family Bucket

10 minutes49 seconds

The two cores of VUE-responsive and component-based development

06 minutes40 seconds

VUE data two-way binding

09 minutes17 seconds

VUE event operations

06 minutes22 seconds

Command to interactively install vue-cli scaffolding

09 minutes34 seconds

Running and packaging of VUE projects

10 minutes35 seconds

mount function component mounting principle

12 minutes24 seconds

Data two-way binding and vue.config.js file configuration

08 minutes28 seconds

VUE instance parameters and MVVM mode

07 minutes43 seconds

VUE template interpolation operation

02 minutes41 seconds

Use of VUE template directives

04 minutes04 seconds

VUE virtual DOM and diff algorithm

10 minutes42 seconds
Chapter2Vue’s template directives and event monitoring

Yesterday’s lesson notes

06 minutes36 seconds

The v-bind directive implements dynamic binding of element attributes

06 minutes10 seconds

Detailed explanation of v-bind binding style attribute

16 minutes36 seconds

v-bind binds class attributes to implement dynamic styles

11 minutes36 seconds

VUE computed handles computed properties

15 minutes15 seconds

VUE event monitoring

09 minutes17 seconds

v-on event modifier

06 minutes55 seconds

VUE conditional branch instructions

06 minutes29 seconds

VUE loop traversal instruction v-for

13 minutes00 seconds

v-model form data two-way binding-real-time calculation of total shopping cart price

14 minutes27 seconds
Chapter3Vue component communication and named slots

VUE component development

15 minutes44 seconds

Creation and registration of VUE components

13 minutes20 seconds

VUE scoped attributes realize the independence of component styles

08 minutes26 seconds

Use lang=scss in VUE

04 minutes21 seconds

Parent component passes data to child component

13 minutes54 seconds

$emit enables child components to communicate with parent components

12 minutes35 seconds

Slot extracts the commonality of components to achieve component expansion

07 minutes45 seconds

Upgrade of named slots and scoped slots--the use of v-slot

10 minutes57 seconds
Chapter4Component life cycle and Element-plus component library

Responsibilities of each component life cycle

08 minutes22 seconds

Triggering of component life cycle hook functions

11 minutes31 seconds

Component life cycle--creation and destruction of instances

11 minutes20 seconds

Element-UI-ElementPlus component library document introduction

10 minutes16 seconds

ElementPlus components are referenced globally in main.js

08 minutes53 seconds

Secondary development of ElementPlus tab component

07 minutes57 seconds

Installation and activation of Vue Router

07 minutes38 seconds

Create page route

13 minutes19 seconds

The router-link component implements routing navigation

07 minutes05 seconds

Use global variable $route to implement route jump

07 minutes19 seconds

Route jump--Parameter passing and receiving

06 minutes13 seconds
Chapter5Vue routing nesting and Vuex state management

Start routing process sorting

10 minutes01 seconds

Vue implements routing loading on demand (lazy loading of routes)

08 minutes13 seconds

Vue-route sub-routing (nested routing)

15 minutes49 seconds

Passing and receiving sub-routing parameters

05 minutes33 seconds

Route redirection and alias settings

13 minutes59 seconds

VUEX state warehouse management

11 minutes35 seconds

Use of VUEX getters computed properties

10 minutes43 seconds

Vuex state management--the use of Mutation

10 minutes11 seconds

Vuex state management--Action asynchronous operation

05 minutes18 seconds

Vuex Module--State warehouse segmentation

05 minutes18 seconds
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