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Enter ES6 new standard syntax

Introduction >
Chapter1ECMAScript6 variable declaration

The relationship between ECMAScript and JavaScript

08 minutes50 seconds

Examples to explain the shortcomings of using var to declare variables

14 minutes56 seconds

Advantages of using let to declare variables

05 minutes50 seconds

const named constant declaration

12 minutes24 seconds
Chapter2Classic applications of ES6 arrow functions

Detailed explanation of es6 arrow function

11 minutes25 seconds

Classic applications of arrow functions

05 minutes30 seconds

The inheritance relationship of this in arrow functions

14 minutes54 seconds
Chapter3ES6 array processing and destructuring assignment

New advanced methods for es6 array processing

10 minutes18 seconds

Use of es6 template strings

03 minutes48 seconds

Application of es6 destructuring assignment

11 minutes44 seconds

es6 spread operator

08 minutes12 seconds
Chapter4The concept of ES6 classes and Module modular programming

es6--The concept of Class class

11 minutes37 seconds

es6--JSON object serialization and deserialization

07 minutes32 seconds

Advantages of Module modular programming 01

12 minutes23 seconds

Advantages of Module modular programming 02

19 minutes49 seconds
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