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Node.js-must learn front-end engineering

Introduction >
Chapter1Node.js module application

How Node runs as a js server environment

09 minutes19 seconds

The purpose of learning Nodejs

07 minutes04 seconds

Nodejs installation and command execution

07 minutes15 seconds

node global object

05 minutes46 seconds

node global function

03 minutes27 seconds

Introduction to nodejs modular structure

05 minutes07 seconds

Custom modules based on CommonJS specifications

08 minutes39 seconds

Node asynchronous operation

05 minutes13 seconds

fs module reads and writes files synchronously and asynchronously

10 minutes28 seconds

System template--Usage of path module

02 minutes56 seconds

System module--Usage of URL and HTTP templates

06 minutes47 seconds

nodejs module development summary

04 minutes07 seconds
Chapter2NPM/Yarn package management tool

NPM--node package management tool

07 minutes20 seconds

How NPM works

07 minutes11 seconds

Use of npm common commands 01

08 minutes34 seconds

Use of npm common commands 02

08 minutes48 seconds

Setting up and viewing npm images

02 minutes40 seconds

Description of the version number in the package.json file

03 minutes28 seconds

Yarn--JS package management tool

03 minutes38 seconds
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