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HTML+CSS Quick Start

Introduction >
Chapter1Understand the big front-end and prepare for learning

vscode installation configuration-detailed explanation of commonly used plug-ins (subtitled version)

41 minutes01 seconds

If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools webStorm installation

06 minutes36 seconds

Program categories that front-end programmers can develop

07 minutes42 seconds

How to distinguish between H5, WEB front-end, big front-end, and WEB full stack?

08 minutes06 seconds
Chapter2Commonly used tags and attributes in HTML

HTML Hypertext Markup Language - Where is the hyper?

08 minutes10 seconds

HTML main structure and related tags

05 minutes55 seconds

HTML hexadecimal color values ​​and comments

05 minutes57 seconds

Use of HTML entity characters

04 minutes51 seconds

Analysis of common tags in the head tag

11 minutes09 seconds

Text and text format tags in body

08 minutes39 seconds

H5 newly upgraded text format tags

09 minutes24 seconds

Semantic tags and list layout tags

07 minutes29 seconds

Path and jump issues that need to be paid attention to in a tags

06 minutes19 seconds

Examples to explain multimedia tags

11 minutes38 seconds

Memory skills for front-end massive tags

05 minutes05 seconds

Complete explanation of markdown syntax

13 minutes18 seconds

Elaborate on the table tag

10 minutes12 seconds

Comprehensive analysis of elements related to form forms - Part 1

08 minutes50 seconds

Comprehensive analysis of elements related to form forms-Part 2

09 minutes08 seconds

Use of inline tag iframe

02 minutes06 seconds
Chapter3Stop streaking and enter the world of CSS

Entering the world of css--several ways to reference css

08 minutes42 seconds

css selector--basic selector analysis

05 minutes32 seconds

css selector--hierarchical selector analysis

05 minutes10 seconds

css selector--analysis of structural pseudo-class selector--Part 1

11 minutes25 seconds

css selector--analysis of structural pseudo-class selector--Part 2

09 minutes44 seconds

css status pseudo-class selector and selector priority

06 minutes20 seconds

css-font font property

04 minutes01 seconds

css-text text property

02 minutes58 seconds

css--background background property

03 minutes49 seconds

Class summary and chapter assignments

03 minutes08 seconds
Chapter4CSS style and layout control

CSS width and height dimensions properties

09 minutes22 seconds

CSS navigation list properties

05 minutes50 seconds

CSS positioning property--fixed

06 minutes01 seconds

CSS positioning property--relative positioning relative

03 minutes17 seconds

The relationship between relative positioning and absolute positioning--Part 1

09 minutes24 seconds

The relationship between relative positioning and absolute positioning--Part 2

09 minutes05 seconds

CSS layout properties control the hiding and display of elements

10 minutes57 seconds

CSS controls div to float left and right

10 minutes34 seconds

Standard box model combined with floats

10 minutes37 seconds

How to solve the problem of overlapping div margins

06 minutes21 seconds

The relationship between box size and inner and outer margins and borders

05 minutes12 seconds

The box-sizing attribute solves the problem of box wrapping

01 minutes30 seconds

Flexible box model--flexible box layout

08 minutes14 seconds

Telescopic box realizes multi-level navigation linkage

12 minutes40 seconds
Chapter5Practical definition of layout framework file

In-depth analysis of flexible box model attribute settings-Part 1

11 minutes19 seconds

In-depth analysis of flexible box model attribute settings-Part 2

06 minutes21 seconds

Page layout analysis of corporate website

04 minutes16 seconds

Define the underlying style file of the framework

11 minutes35 seconds

Set the flexible layout public style of the frame

06 minutes48 seconds

Set the frame's border public style

03 minutes48 seconds

Set the margin public style of the frame

08 minutes21 seconds

Set other public styles of the frame

03 minutes50 seconds

Introducing public style rounded borders into the project

07 minutes34 seconds

How to introduce iconfont font icon into the project

09 minutes02 seconds

Practical combat--define the header public template file

05 minutes24 seconds

Practical combat--define elegant search box style

06 minutes17 seconds

Practical combat - setting the style, background and center alignment of font icons

05 minutes31 seconds

Practical combat--Set the basic style of nav navigation bar

07 minutes31 seconds
Chapter6Actual animation and public head

Text shadow and background color radial gradient

04 minutes55 seconds

CSS implements box conversion and transition effects

08 minutes22 seconds

Practical combat--css animation effects and animation carousel-Part 1

08 minutes19 seconds

Practical combat--css animation effects and animation carousel-Part 2

07 minutes09 seconds

Practical combat - css3 implements navigation underline animation effect using pseudo classes

04 minutes48 seconds

Practical combat--implementing secondary menu styles and animation effects

10 minutes06 seconds

Practical combat--implementing sidebar fixed effect-Part 1

08 minutes14 seconds

Practical combat--implementing sidebar fixed effect-Part 2

03 minutes31 seconds

Practical combat--implementing the style layout of the bottom footer

09 minutes31 seconds

Practical combat--realizing the effect of product navigation on the home page

10 minutes37 seconds

Practical combat - the header layout of the product display area

08 minutes52 seconds

Practical combat--Style layout of product cards-Part 1

05 minutes14 seconds

Practical combat--Complete the animation effect of product cards

06 minutes42 seconds

Practical combat--Style layout of product cards-Part 2

04 minutes49 seconds
Chapter7List page and details page of actual combat

Practical combat - Complete the style layout of breadcrumb navigation

05 minutes35 seconds

Practical combat--complete the animation effect of product sorting-Part 1

14 minutes22 seconds

Practical combat--Complete the animation effect of product sorting-Part 2

08 minutes16 seconds

Practical combat--Complete the style layout of the product list page

06 minutes12 seconds

Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area

10 minutes38 seconds

Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area 02

08 minutes03 seconds

Practical combat - Complete the style layout of the product basic information area 03

04 minutes21 seconds

Practical combat - style layout of product details 01

08 minutes26 seconds

Practical combat - style layout of product details 02

11 minutes45 seconds

Practical combat-Guess you like the style layout of the area

11 minutes16 seconds
Chapter8Practical shopping cart and order page

Mall shopping cart style layout 01

11 minutes40 seconds

Mall shopping cart style layout 02

10 minutes32 seconds

Mall shopping cart style layout 03

11 minutes44 seconds

Order preview page--receipt information style layout

13 minutes04 seconds

Order preview page--payment method style layout

06 minutes11 seconds

Order preview page--Order content style layout 01

10 minutes15 seconds

Order preview page--Order content style layout 02

06 minutes00 seconds

Structural analysis of the mall personal center page

08 minutes56 seconds

Order page and @media query-up

06 minutes41 seconds

Order page and @media query - next

07 minutes06 seconds
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