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Laravel 9 is the right time to learn—a nanny-level tutorial that makes it even easier to learn!

Introduction >
Chapter1About Laravel

Laravel’s past and present life

04 minutes30 seconds

Install Laravel

13 minutes08 seconds
Chapter2First introduction to Laravel

Directory structure (Part 1)

12 minutes53 seconds

Directory structure (below)

08 minutes56 seconds
Chapter3Laravel project personality

Profiles - each project has its own personality

11 minutes27 seconds

Environmental documents-projects must learn to adapt to the environment

12 minutes13 seconds
Chapter4Artisan command line

Artisan commands - it will make you more efficient

11 minutes53 seconds
Chapter5Deploy Laravel project

Project Deployment - Notes on Production Environment

06 minutes44 seconds
Chapter6Laravel's request cycle

The life of a Laravel request

12 minutes48 seconds
Chapter7Laravel's Routes - Childhood Stage

Routing (top)

06 minutes36 seconds

Routing (medium)

18 minutes41 seconds

Routing (below)

16 minutes30 seconds
Chapter8Laravel Controller (Controller)

Controller - the core business logic of the project

14 minutes29 seconds
Chapter9Laravel middleware (MiddleWare)

What is middleware?

07 minutes21 seconds

Middleware practice

10 minutes58 seconds
Chapter10Laravel requests and responses

Request (Part 1)

08 minutes41 seconds

Request (medium)

20 minutes28 seconds

Request (below)

26 minutes36 seconds


16 minutes07 seconds
Chapter11Laravel’s view layer (Views)

Laravel templates

11 minutes33 seconds

Blade Template

17 minutes00 seconds
Chapter12Laravel's data layer (Model)

What is an ORM?

12 minutes09 seconds

Simple query with Eloquent (1)

14 minutes55 seconds

Simple query with Eloquent (2)

13 minutes28 seconds

Eloquent insert and update operations

13 minutes44 seconds

Eloquent knowledge points supplement

08 minutes55 seconds

Three ways of database operation & transactions

11 minutes51 seconds
Chapter13Database migration (Migration)

Migrationdata migration

18 minutes00 seconds
Chapter14Laravel session management (Session)

Session ManagementSession

10 minutes16 seconds
Chapter15Laravel error handling (Exceptions)

Laravel error handling (Exceptions)

05 minutes57 seconds
Chapter16Laravel logging (Logging)

Laravel logging (Logging)

07 minutes58 seconds
Chapter17Laravel user authentication and authorization

Laravel user authentication and authorization

11 minutes08 seconds
Chapter18Laravel encryption and decryption

Laravel encryption and decryption

07 minutes57 seconds
Chapter19Test related

Laravel unit testing

16 minutes30 seconds
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