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Extreme programming - the way to practice as a programmer

Introduction >
Chapter1How to practice as a programmer

The code was eaten by the cat

02 minutes54 seconds

Broken Windows and Stone Soup

03 minutes21 seconds

evil repetition

02 minutes55 seconds

Excellent design

02 minutes43 seconds

Software that is good enough - "There is no perfect product in the world - don't ask for the best, just be good enough"

02 minutes10 seconds

Orthogonality: How to crack a project that affects the whole world

03 minutes23 seconds

"Tofu dregs" project can actually be used as a prototype

02 minutes20 seconds

Agile estimating

02 minutes56 seconds

Don't run out of headlight range

02 minutes52 seconds


03 minutes35 seconds


02 minutes18 seconds

Dead programs don't lie

02 minutes43 seconds

version control

03 minutes01 seconds

ruthless testing

03 minutes16 seconds
Chapter2Extreme Programming Series

On the importance of code specifications (Part 1)

02 minutes22 seconds

How to pair up in pair programming

01 minutes14 seconds

On the importance of code specifications (Part 2)

01 minutes41 seconds

Why implement collective code ownership?

02 minutes40 seconds

The secret behind the Linux kernel project’s 30-year survival

02 minutes34 seconds

user stories

02 minutes48 seconds

planning game

02 minutes30 seconds

On-site customers

02 minutes14 seconds

system metaphor

02 minutes23 seconds

40 hours

02 minutes32 seconds

Simple design

02 minutes19 seconds

test driven development

03 minutes20 seconds


02 minutes41 seconds
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