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Learn HTML video tutorials at your fingertips

Introduction >
Chapter1First introduction to HTML

Making our first web page

03 minutes21 seconds

The relationship between HTML and CSS

03 minutes17 seconds

HTML file structure

03 minutes47 seconds

HTML document

01 minutes44 seconds

HTML tags

07 minutes18 seconds

Feel the charm of HTML

03 minutes51 seconds
Chapter2HTML text

HTML elements

06 minutes09 seconds

HTML attributes

07 minutes30 seconds

HTML text formatting

06 minutes22 seconds

HTML style

02 minutes48 seconds

HTML comments

02 minutes28 seconds
Chapter3HTML hypertext (Part 1)

HTML link

05 minutes36 seconds

How to open HTML hyperlink

02 minutes00 seconds

HTML hyperlink prompt text

01 minutes36 seconds

HTML hyperlink bookmark

03 minutes21 seconds

HTML table

05 minutes50 seconds

HTML image

07 minutes09 seconds
Chapter4HTML hypertext (Part 2)

HTML list

07 minutes46 seconds

HTML block element

05 minutes18 seconds

HTML layout

07 minutes15 seconds

HTML form

03 minutes13 seconds

HTML text and password input boxes

02 minutes55 seconds

HTML text field

02 minutes46 seconds

How to use HTML radio buttons and check boxes

04 minutes53 seconds

HTML drop-down list box

02 minutes39 seconds

HTML drop-down list box multiple selection

02 minutes03 seconds

HTML form submit button

04 minutes54 seconds

HTML reset button

05 minutes00 seconds

label tag in form

03 minutes30 seconds
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