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Issue 19_Front-end development

Introduction >
Chapter10316-The first lesson of school

Build an efficient development environment, markdown syntax, course introduction and common terms 01

23 minutes44 seconds

Build an efficient development environment, markdown syntax, course introduction and common terms 02

17 minutes24 seconds

Build an efficient development environment, markdown syntax, course introduction and common terms 03

25 minutes52 seconds

HTML document structure, common terms and concepts 01

21 minutes45 seconds

HTML document structure, common terms and concepts 02

20 minutes36 seconds
Chapter20317-Elaborate on common elements of HTML

Emmet syntax practice and attribute types and semantic tags 01

19 minutes28 seconds

Emmet syntax practice and attribute types and semantic tags 02

22 minutes07 seconds

Emmet syntax practice and attribute types and semantic tags 03

17 minutes20 seconds

Pictures, links and lists - details on tables and learning methods 01

23 minutes33 seconds

Pictures, links and lists - details on tables and learning methods 02

21 minutes17 seconds
Chapter30318-Elaborate on common tags 2

Detailed explanation of forms and iframe01

18 minutes36 seconds

Detailed explanation of forms and iframe02

17 minutes36 seconds

Detailed explanation of forms and iframe03

19 minutes03 seconds

iframe case and css style source 01

21 minutes26 seconds

iframe case and css style source 02

23 minutes09 seconds
Chapter40321-Details of the selector

Simple selector, detailed selector weight 01

20 minutes38 seconds

Simple selector, detailed selector weight 02

20 minutes46 seconds

Simple selector, detailed selector weight 03

20 minutes51 seconds

Detailed explanation of pseudo-class selectors and pseudo-class parameters 01

19 minutes41 seconds

Detailed explanation of pseudo-class selectors and pseudo-class parameters 02

19 minutes55 seconds
Chapter50322-Elaboration Box Model and Media Queries

Detailed box model 01

24 minutes56 seconds

Details box model 02

26 minutes05 seconds

Font icons, media queries and common units 01

24 minutes58 seconds

Font icons, media queries and common units 02

26 minutes16 seconds
Chapter60323-Positioning methods and actual combat

Detailed explanation of commonly used units vh, vw and common positioning methods 01

24 minutes56 seconds

Detailed explanation of commonly used units vh, vw and common positioning methods 02

26 minutes26 seconds

Positioning practice modal box 01

20 minutes44 seconds

Positioning practice modal box 02

20 minutes20 seconds
Chapter70324-flex and grid layout principles and common attributes

Describe in detail the principle of flex layout and common properties of flex 01

18 minutes34 seconds

Detailed explanation of flex layout principles and flex common attributes 02

16 minutes11 seconds

Describe in detail the principle of flex layout and common properties of flex 03

19 minutes50 seconds

Describe grid principles and properties in detail 01

21 minutes24 seconds

Describe grid principles and properties in detail 02

24 minutes30 seconds
Chapter80325-Grid actual combat home page

Website sharing

03 minutes25 seconds

Grid common properties

22 minutes32 seconds homepage layout practice 01

25 minutes37 seconds homepage layout practice 02

25 minutes26 seconds homepage layout practice 03

24 minutes43 seconds homepage layout practice 04

22 minutes44 seconds
Chapter90328-Mobile terminal layout principle and practice

Mobile terminal layout principles and common units, terminology 01

21 minutes04 seconds

Mobile terminal layout principles and common units, terminology 02

17 minutes51 seconds

Mobile terminal layout principles and common units, terminology 03

19 minutes18 seconds

Taobao mobile homepage practice 1-1

24 minutes49 seconds

Taobao mobile homepage practice 1-2

24 minutes15 seconds
Chapter100329-Taobao mobile terminal homepage layout continued and JS basics

Taobao mobile homepage layout continued 01

16 minutes05 seconds

Taobao mobile homepage layout continued 02

18 minutes19 seconds

Taobao mobile homepage layout continued 03

19 minutes19 seconds

First experience with JS variables and functions 01

23 minutes05 seconds

First experience with JS variables and functions 02

22 minutes28 seconds
Chapter110330-Constant, functions and data types

Constants and functions 01

25 minutes10 seconds

Constants and Functions 02

24 minutes35 seconds

Detailed data type 01

22 minutes36 seconds

Details of data types 02

24 minutes16 seconds
Chapter120331-Flow control and function parameters/return values

Process control: branch, loop 01

17 minutes15 seconds

Process control: branch, loop 02

17 minutes22 seconds

Process control: branching, looping 03

19 minutes33 seconds

Function parameters, template literals and label functions 01

23 minutes02 seconds

Function parameters, template literals, and label functions 02

23 minutes52 seconds
Chapter130401-Closures, Accessors, Classes and Destructuring

Closures, Accessor Properties and Classes 01

17 minutes30 seconds

Closures, accessor properties and classes 02

18 minutes54 seconds

Closures, accessor properties and classes 03

21 minutes34 seconds

Destructuring assignment and obtaining dom elements 01

19 minutes57 seconds

Destructuring assignment and obtaining dom elements 02

19 minutes40 seconds
Chapter140402-Common DOM operations

Getting form elements and DOM traversal 01

26 minutes55 seconds

Obtaining form elements and DOM traversal02

26 minutes16 seconds

Message board practice and custom attributes 01

23 minutes30 seconds

Message board practice and custom attributes 02

24 minutes49 seconds
Chapter150406-Details of the incident

js operation css and classlist object and event basis 01

25 minutes26 seconds

js operation css and classList object and event basis 02

26 minutes53 seconds

Event bubbling and delegation, common form events 01

20 minutes54 seconds

Event bubbling and delegation, common form events 02

19 minutes03 seconds
Chapter160407-Common string/array API

js operating mechanism and common string API01

19 minutes34 seconds

js operating mechanism and common string API02

22 minutes15 seconds

Describe in detail the commonly used array API01

20 minutes18 seconds

Describe in detail the commonly used array API02

18 minutes13 seconds

Describe in detail the commonly used array API03

16 minutes01 seconds
Chapter170408-JS actual combat (1)

Classic double color ball lottery draw actual combat

26 minutes46 seconds

Classic Tab Quick Solution

24 minutes27 seconds

Universal shopping cart automatic calculation solution 01

23 minutes29 seconds

Universal shopping cart automatic calculation solution 02

24 minutes26 seconds
Chapter180411-JS Practical Combat 2 and JSON

Carousel images and lazy loading 01

19 minutes03 seconds

Carousel images and lazy loading 02

18 minutes58 seconds

Carousel images and lazy loading 03

15 minutes50 seconds

json and xhr01

19 minutes49 seconds

json and xhr02

20 minutes55 seconds

json and xhr03

19 minutes31 seconds
Chapter190412-fetch/async/module introduction

fetch Api and asynchronous function async01

20 minutes22 seconds

fetch Api and asynchronous functions async02

19 minutes35 seconds

The underlying implementation logic of the module

10 minutes23 seconds

Native modules in es6

24 minutes29 seconds
Chapter200413-node, npm and modules

node and npm knowledge 01

20 minutes15 seconds

node and npm knowledge 02

21 minutes22 seconds

Module knowledge in node 01

20 minutes07 seconds

Module knowledge in node 02

18 minutes55 seconds
Chapter210414-vue basics 1

Vue must know terminology and instruction syntax 01

20 minutes29 seconds

Vue must know terminology and instruction syntax 02

16 minutes35 seconds

Vue must know terminology and instruction syntax 03

16 minutes02 seconds

Events with modifiers and list rendering 01

22 minutes04 seconds

Events with Modifiers and List Rendering 02

24 minutes07 seconds
Chapter220415 - Computed properties/listeners/component-to-component communication

Computed properties and listeners 01

19 minutes46 seconds

Computed properties and listeners 02

21 minutes00 seconds

Computed properties and listeners 03

17 minutes29 seconds

Detailed description of component communication and participation in component communication 01

17 minutes03 seconds

Detailed description of component communication and participation in component communication 02

17 minutes49 seconds
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