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MySQL query optimization solution [taught by architects from major manufacturers] [Getting Started with MySQL | Tuning | Indexing] Advanced Tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Big factory interview questions

What are the isolation levels of mysql?

07 minutes15 seconds

What is the principle of mysql replication?

05 minutes49 seconds

The difference between mysql clustered index and non-clustered index

04 minutes49 seconds

Basic principles of mysql index

06 minutes34 seconds

What are the mysql index structures and what are their advantages and disadvantages?

05 minutes22 seconds

What are the types of mysql locks?

09 minutes18 seconds

Why does mysql need master-slave synchronization?

04 minutes49 seconds

How to read mysql execution plan

06 minutes40 seconds

Briefly describe the index types in mysql and their impact on database performance

06 minutes18 seconds

How to deal with slow queries of mysql

03 minutes27 seconds

What is mysql master-slave replication

02 minutes19 seconds

What are the design principles of indexes?

06 minutes01 seconds
Chapter2Getting started with mysql

mysql download, installation and configuration

07 minutes01 seconds

Verify mysql

03 minutes00 seconds

Install Navicat

04 minutes15 seconds

Import table data

04 minutes06 seconds

select statement

09 minutes20 seconds

where child clause

06 minutes57 seconds

order by child clause

04 minutes30 seconds

Commonly used functions

07 minutes24 seconds

group function

05 minutes33 seconds

group by child clause

11 minutes38 seconds

having clause and select summary

05 minutes47 seconds

Subqueries and self-joins

11 minutes03 seconds

Table join exercises and interview questions

25 minutes14 seconds
Chapter3Getting started with mysql - exercises

Average salary grade for each department

03 minutes36 seconds

Average salary grade of part

02 minutes42 seconds

who are managers

01 minutes27 seconds

Find the maximum salary without using group functions

03 minutes58 seconds

Find the department number with the highest average salary

05 minutes24 seconds

Just know this section

02 minutes42 seconds

The name of a manager who earns more than the average employee's maximum salary

01 minutes16 seconds
Chapter4Getting started with mysql 2

Many to many relationship interview questions

25 minutes58 seconds

Many-to-many relationship interview questions 2

08 minutes11 seconds


06 minutes04 seconds

DDL statement

18 minutes53 seconds

DML statement

08 minutes24 seconds


09 minutes40 seconds

Summary of getting started with mysql

05 minutes44 seconds
Chapter5mysql index

Comprehensive and thorough analysis

16 minutes14 seconds

Why choose B+ tree for mysql index?

18 minutes47 seconds

What is a clustered index? What is a non-clustered index

15 minutes49 seconds

How to use indexes for optimization

18 minutes17 seconds

Under what circumstances will the index fail?

16 minutes21 seconds

mysql server parameter setting_connection

15 minutes15 seconds

mysql server parameter setting_log storage

08 minutes02 seconds
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