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Collection of front-end practical projects [A must-have for beginners] [Taught by an architect with a million-dollar annual salary]

Introduction >

Array basic methods

32 minutes17 seconds

Bubble Sort

44 minutes33 seconds

Array basic methods

27 minutes01 seconds

Practice sorting and deduplication

33 minutes25 seconds

Print form-DOM concept

37 minutes28 seconds

document properties and methods

25 minutes34 seconds

Homework - Explanation on removing leading and trailing spaces

12 minutes34 seconds

DOM element creation and nodes

30 minutes09 seconds

DOM properties and style manipulation

39 minutes24 seconds

Get node

14 minutes55 seconds

Node manipulation and simulated keyboard

29 minutes13 seconds

Node judgment, text operation and keyboard simulation js implementation

32 minutes13 seconds

Element offset and length and chained calls

31 minutes31 seconds

Events and event levels

48 minutes36 seconds

DOM2 events and DOM3 events

34 minutes29 seconds

Event streams and event objects

event attribute and mouse event

36 minutes55 seconds

Calculator and mouse events

36 minutes00 seconds

js simulate keyboard and keyboard events

34 minutes10 seconds

Keyboard control movement

33 minutes58 seconds

Form events and document events

35 minutes09 seconds

Back to top

11 minutes42 seconds

picture magnifying glass

45 minutes29 seconds

Job-drag and drop

36 minutes14 seconds

Browser rendering

45 minutes55 seconds

Pop-up window-timer

49 minutes20 seconds


33 minutes55 seconds

job clock

57 minutes01 seconds


28 minutes53 seconds

call and apply

13 minutes34 seconds

tab switching

21 minutes35 seconds

Instance tab switches _this and target

28 minutes14 seconds
Chapter5snowflakes flying


45 minutes59 seconds

Scope and prototype

52 minutes10 seconds


41 minutes32 seconds

Snowflakes flying-randomly generate snowflakes

31 minutes58 seconds

Snowflakes flying - snowflakes falling

16 minutes23 seconds

Dynamic prototype_JSON

43 minutes11 seconds

json parsing example

17 minutes13 seconds

Regular 01

34 minutes35 seconds

Regular modifiers and common methods

43 minutes08 seconds

Strings use regular and matching rules

38 minutes57 seconds

Matching rule 2

49 minutes20 seconds

Regular examples explained

45 minutes12 seconds

Introduction to jquery

40 minutes58 seconds

Selectors and filters

41 minutes08 seconds

filter 2

34 minutes22 seconds

Property and style manipulation

33 minutes37 seconds

Node operations

54 minutes39 seconds

Copy-replace-node related

46 minutes17 seconds

Element position, width, height and events

50 minutes58 seconds

Synthetic event-removal-simulation trigger

43 minutes57 seconds

wrap and unwrap - simulate drop-down

44 minutes36 seconds

Predefined animations

Custom animation

Example Navigation-Back to Top-Couplet Advertisement


Carousel chart css part

28 minutes39 seconds

Carousel image js part

33 minutes23 seconds

Waterfall flow-infinite loading

swiper plugin


Project introduction and grouping

13 minutes02 seconds

First group

17 minutes34 seconds

Blueberry Pie-Questions

Chapter12Ajax and environment construction

Introduction to Ajax and environment construction

Port occupation and php server usage

Ajax requests and readystate

Chapter13HTTP status code and get\post

HTTP status code-Lottery example

get and post requests - passing parameters

49 minutes57 seconds

get caching and json parsing

Advantages and disadvantages of instance login and ajax

Example real-time news

Causes of cross-domain

jsonp principle and implementation

Ajax for image ping and jquery


Encapsulate common methods of jquery query and ajax

Encapsulating Ajax

Ajax packaging and jobs

Chapter15Carousel 2

Carousel chart basics

Carousel horizontal and vertical effects

Carousel chart package-basic

26 minutes59 seconds

Advanced carousel image packaging

17 minutes25 seconds

News Navigation

04 minutes53 seconds

Ceiling effect

17 minutes33 seconds

Floor scrolling monitoring

28 minutes18 seconds
Chapter17Baidu map

Baidu map

44 minutes46 seconds


25 minutes46 seconds

layer pop-up window

31 minutes04 seconds


29 minutes49 seconds


29 minutes11 seconds


14 minutes45 seconds


27 minutes21 seconds

animate.css use


Navigation hover effect

29 minutes30 seconds

Ceiling effect

18 minutes36 seconds

banner animation and forwards

19 minutes04 seconds

grow together

Dynamically display the number of registered people

Chapter18Project 2

Project promotion 2 acceptance



Grid layout principle

BS use


less introduction and installation

22 minutes25 seconds

less syntax

less syntax 2



local storage

29 minutes51 seconds

Post on Weibo-New Selector-Remember Password

38 minutes00 seconds

json storage-post news

Session storage and cookies

cookie packaging

H5 new API-message push-multi-threading-editable elements

Chapter20Design Patterns

Design Patterns

19 minutes09 seconds

Design Pattern 2

27 minutes44 seconds

Canvas draws straight lines

20 minutes21 seconds

Use straight lines and draw dotted lines

18 minutes41 seconds

Draw rectangles and statistical charts

16 minutes45 seconds

Random statistics plots and circles and arcs

30 minutes22 seconds

Example of drawing a teacup

15 minutes31 seconds

Impact checking

40 minutes16 seconds

Object-oriented ball

Notepad addition and list display

Notepad query

stroke characters

32 minutes55 seconds

Rice grid and drawing pictures

36 minutes24 seconds

linear ball

44 minutes05 seconds

Colorful balls

Draw a clock

30 minutes36 seconds
Chapter22Pixel operations

Pixel operations and pixel coordinates

Pixel pictures

Pixel dynamic text

colored heart

Chapter23Mobile terminal

Basic concepts of mobile terminal

33 minutes23 seconds

meta tag

22 minutes42 seconds

Mobile terminal adaptation solution

25 minutes19 seconds

Fixed height adaptation and rem adaptation

44 minutes44 seconds

Flexible layout and head adaptation

33 minutes38 seconds

Mobile events


NodeJS introduction and installation

Nodejs use

cnpm installation and use

12 minutes17 seconds

Basic introduction to git

22 minutes02 seconds

github account application

git account initialization and git warehouse creation

Git basic operations

Git basic operations 2

Create remote library-code push

Clone library-fork library

Branch operations - conflict resolution

git interface tools

webstrom integration


Introduction to ES6

32 minutes32 seconds

let command 01

31 minutes17 seconds

let command 02

const command

Array destructuring

Object destructuring

Destructuring of strings etc - incomplete destructuring

default value

Number extension

Number extension 2

24 minutes24 seconds

string expansion

String template


array expansion

Array expansion 2

Map and weakMap

Set set

function extension

Function extension 2

Object extension 1

Object extension 2


26 minutes00 seconds

Promise object

Common methods of Promise




class class


Mixin concept


export and import

Default module

AMD specs and requirejs

20 minutes02 seconds

Main entrance multipath-shim


webpack build

44 minutes30 seconds

webpack use

29 minutes10 seconds

webpack uses 2

25 minutes59 seconds
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