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Yii2 framework basic video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Basic introduction to Yii 2.0 framework

Basic introduction

03 minutes00 seconds

composer installs static resource index plug-in

09 minutes35 seconds

Composer installs Yii 2.0 framework

06 minutes44 seconds

Install Yii 2.0 framework and its environment configuration through archive files

13 minutes29 seconds
Chapter3Yii 2.0 framework basics

Directory structure and request process analysis

06 minutes24 seconds

Welcome page display analysis and controller creation

12 minutes37 seconds

Custom global tool function

10 minutes02 seconds

The controller accepts get post data

11 minutes03 seconds

The controller assigns the view and passes parameters

10 minutes55 seconds

compact method assigns multiple parameters

07 minutes56 seconds

View parameter xss attack script filtering

06 minutes05 seconds

View template inheritance and template calling each other

13 minutes48 seconds

Model creation and data reading

10 minutes34 seconds

Prevent sql injection

12 minutes31 seconds

where single table query

11 minutes44 seconds

Big data memory-saving processing

07 minutes11 seconds

Model adds record

06 minutes26 seconds

Model modification record

12 minutes11 seconds

Model delete record

10 minutes02 seconds
Chapter4Multi-table association

One-to-many query hasMany

14 minutes32 seconds

Performance optimization of one-to-many queries

07 minutes18 seconds

One-to-one query hasOne

13 minutes53 seconds
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