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A complete set of introductory tutorials on jQuery/Ajax/PHP basics/H5 new features

Introduction >
Chapter1Overall introduction to jquery


24 minutes42 seconds

jq overall perception

07 minutes39 seconds
Chapter2Various methods in jquery

The horizontal rows of the table change color

09 minutes25 seconds

Pseudo class

25 minutes26 seconds


13 minutes35 seconds

First acquaintance with the event

17 minutes13 seconds


33 minutes02 seconds

css method

29 minutes03 seconds

show and hide

25 minutes58 seconds

slideDown and slideUp

19 minutes22 seconds

Other methods

34 minutes27 seconds
Chapter3Carousels and blinds

Fade in and out carousel

28 minutes51 seconds


32 minutes51 seconds



33 minutes12 seconds

Taobao example

18 minutes26 seconds

Node relationship

34 minutes11 seconds

Node relationship 2

node order

Node traversal

16 minutes34 seconds
Chapter5Blinds Lite


Node operations

11 minutes55 seconds

Alternate rows change color vertically in table

Streamlining ideas for blinds

Blinds Lite ends

12 minutes55 seconds

Node operation ends





14 minutes51 seconds
Chapter7swiper and grid system

Buffer implementation

10 minutes12 seconds

First acquaintance with swiper

21 minutes14 seconds

swiper animation

14 minutes20 seconds

grid system

19 minutes26 seconds
Chapter8css styles and components

global css style


modal box

14 minutes51 seconds


28 minutes52 seconds


14 minutes09 seconds
Chapter10php basics

php overall overview

21 minutes05 seconds


23 minutes35 seconds

Data type (top)

22 minutes18 seconds

Data type (medium)

25 minutes05 seconds

Data type (below)

22 minutes41 seconds

Operators, flow control and functions

Chapter11classes and objects

classes and objects

Properties and Keywords and Inheritance

Chapter12jqAjax request and login

jqAjax request

30 minutes17 seconds

jqAjax front-end and back-end interactive login case

17 minutes19 seconds
Chapter13mysql visualization tool

mysql database visualization tool operation

28 minutes43 seconds

NavicateVisualization tool

10 minutes51 seconds
Chapter14php connect to database

PHP connection database code structure

17 minutes44 seconds

query sql statement

Insert, delete and modify sql statements

Front-end and back-end interactive login case

Singleton pattern


pdo and database connection

Create PDO singleton class

pdo add, delete, modify sql statement operations

Exception handling

prepare prepared statements

bindValue method

PDO transaction processing

Chapter16ajax and http, xhr

Overview of ajax and http protocol

32 minutes04 seconds

Properties and methods of xhr object

27 minutes42 seconds

Post request compatibility with xhr

Request timeout and progress bar

33 minutes21 seconds
Chapter17Level three linkage

Three-level linkage (1)

20 minutes18 seconds

Three-level linkage (2)

15 minutes15 seconds

Three-level linkage (3)

Chapter18Encapsulating ajax

Encapsulating ajax analysis

12 minutes42 seconds

Review ajax

20 minutes07 seconds

Encapsulation of ajax framework

33 minutes56 seconds

Test self-encapsulated ajax framework

20 minutes28 seconds
Chapter19Waterfalls flow

Waterfall (1)

34 minutes50 seconds

Waterfall (2)

11 minutes19 seconds

ajax cross-domain problem

40 minutes57 seconds
Chapter20blueberry pie project

Blueberry Pi page login ajax request

25 minutes12 seconds

Blueberry Pi page login php and mysql

27 minutes34 seconds

Blueberry Pi page changes in data returned with PHP and precautions for JS file encapsulation

24 minutes50 seconds

Home page carousel data construction and ajax request

34 minutes06 seconds

Home page carousel data page loading

25 minutes24 seconds

Blueberry Pi modal box processing and loading

Principle analysis of pager

MySQL and PHP data processing of paginator and waterfall flow

25 minutes39 seconds

Drawing and loading of dynamic paging waterfall flow page

Audio playback controller structure and button logic

Audio button and audio playback implementation

Playback event exchange and progress bar business logic analysis

Audio playback progress bar changes

Cookie front-end operations

Cookie background operation

cookie supplement

Login and logout cookie case

HTML5’s new data localization operation localStorage

webWorker loads js files asynchronously

FileReader file reading operation

Get the user's multimedia device getUserMedia

canvas tag overview

Features of pixelation when the screen is on

Drawing rectangles and paths

Draw circles and lines

Canvas image loading and underscore framework

particle effects

29 minutes10 seconds

viewport conceptviewport

24 minutes44 seconds

rem unit

rem case

Adaptation of less tool and rem

Ctrip (1) navigation loading

Ctrip (2) menu loading

schedule custom calendar plug-in

28 minutes41 seconds

Introduction of Baidu Map SDK-API

Baidu Map SDK-Map Control

Baidu Map SDK-Geocoding and Inverse Coding

Baidu Map SDK-Map Annotation

25 minutes32 seconds
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