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PHP development red and blue voting function tutorial jQuery

When the hand button is clicked, jQuery's $.getJSON() is used to send an Ajax request to the background php. If the request is successful, the json data returned by the background will be obtained, and jQuery will process the json data. The following function: getdata(url,sid), passes two parameters. URL is the backend PHP address of the request, and sid represents the current voting topic ID. In this function, the json data returned includes the number of votes from both red and blue parties, and The ratio of both parties, calculate the width of the proportion bar based on the ratio, and display the voting effect asynchronously interactively.

function getdata(url,sid){
                                                                                                                                                                              . red").css("width",data.red_percent*100+"%");
            var red_bar_w = w*data.red_percent-10;
                                                                                                                                                                 blue_bar_w                                   blue_bar_w                                      ").css("width", blue_bar_w);

When the page is loaded for the first time, getdata() is called, and then click to vote for the red team or vote for the blue team to also call getdata(), but the parameters passed are different. Note that the parameter sid in this example is set to 1, which is set based on the id in the data table. Developers can read the accurate id based on the actual project.

//Get initial data
//Red team vote
$( ".redhand").click(function(){

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>红蓝投票功能</title> <style> #main{ width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; border: 1px solid #050205; } .vote{ width:358px; height:300px; margin:40px auto; position:relative } .votetitle{ width:100%; height:62px; background:url( no-repeat 0 30px; font-size:15px } .red{ position:absolute; left:0; top:64px; height:80px; } .blue{position:absolute; right:0; top:64px; height:80px; } .red p,.blue p{ line-height:22px } .redhand{ position:absolute; left:0; width:36px; height:36px; background:url( no-repeat -1px -38px; cursor:pointer } .bluehand{ position:absolute; right:0; width:36px; height:36px; background:url( no-repeat -41px -38px; cursor:pointer } .redbar{ position:absolute; left:42px; margin-top:8px; } .bluebar{ position:absolute; right:42px; margin-top:8px; } .redbar span{ display:block; height:6px; background:red; width:100%; border-radius:4px; } .bluebar span{ display:block; height:6px; background: blue; width:100%; border-radius:4px; position:absolute; } .redbar p{ line-height:20px; color:red; } .bluebar p{ line-height:20px; color:#09f; text-align:right; margin-top:23px } </style> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ getdata("vote.php",1); $(".redhand").click(function(){ getdata("vote.php?action=red",1); }); $(".bluehand").click(function(){ getdata("vote.php?action=blue",1); }); }); function getdata(url,sid){ $.getJSON(url,{id:sid},function(data){ if(data.success==1){ var w = 208; $("#red_num").html(; $("#red").css("width",data.red_percent*100+"%"); var red_bar_w = w*data.red_percent-10; $("#red_bar").css("width",red_bar_w); $("#blue_num").html(; $("#blue").css("width",data.blue_percent*100+"%"); var blue_bar_w = w*data.blue_percent; $("#blue_bar").css("width",blue_bar_w); }else{ alert(data.msg); } }); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <h2>PHP+jQuery+MySql实现红蓝投票功能</h2> <hr/> <div class="vote"> <div class="votetitle">您对PHP中文网提供的文章的看法?</div> <div class="red" id="red"> <p id="hong">非常实用</p> <div class="redhand"></div> <div class="redbar" id="red_bar"> <span></span> <p id="red_num"></p> </div> </div> <div class="blue" id="blue"> <p id="bu">完全看不懂</p> <div class="bluehand"></div> <div class="bluebar" id="blue_bar"> <span></span> <p id="blue_num"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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