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HarmonyOS 2.0 application development practice [Hongmeng system APP development]

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

HarmonyOS Fengmi Mall Hongmeng Application Development-Course Introduction

09 minutes06 seconds

Fenmi Mall-Introduction to Mobile Terminal Development

21 minutes58 seconds

System Overview-System Positioning

15 minutes10 seconds

System Overview-System Architecture Introduction

19 minutes10 seconds

System Overview-Development History

08 minutes44 seconds

System Overview-Differences from Android

08 minutes42 seconds

System Overview - Technical Characteristics and System Security

12 minutes31 seconds

First application-development preparation

11 minutes22 seconds

First application - create project

09 minutes06 seconds

The first application-Hongmeng application directory structure

08 minutes53 seconds

First application - run the project

09 minutes11 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

First application-configjson file description

25 minutes43 seconds

First application - application startup process

22 minutes50 seconds

Introduction to Ability

22 minutes31 seconds


24 minutes23 seconds


36 minutes38 seconds

Two rendering methods of PageAbility-Slice

20 minutes00 seconds

Component event listening

31 minutes33 seconds

Navigation between PageAbility-slices

18 minutes48 seconds

Value transfer between PageAbility-slice

26 minutes44 seconds

PageAbility-Navigation between Pages

33 minutes11 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

ServiceAbility Overview

28 minutes35 seconds

ServiceAbility-Case Preparation

24 minutes07 seconds

ServiceAbility-creation and life cycle methods

26 minutes37 seconds


14 minutes41 seconds


26 minutes20 seconds

ServiceAbility disconnected

13 minutes47 seconds


08 minutes09 seconds

ServiceAbility-life cycle summary

ServiceAbility-front desk

DataAbility Overview

Chapter4Chapter Four


18 minutes51 seconds

DataAbility database access implementation-initializing database connection

30 minutes14 seconds

DataAbility database access implementation - rewriting DataAbility operation method (Part 1)

19 minutes30 seconds

DataAbility database access implementation - rewriting DataAbility operation method (Part 2)

06 minutes41 seconds

DataAbility-Access DataAbility-Preparation

20 minutes25 seconds

Access DataAbility-Add Action

21 minutes42 seconds

Access DataAbility-Query Operations

17 minutes11 seconds

Introduction to UI framework

27 minutes56 seconds

Introduction to UI components

Text-component understanding

17 minutes05 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

UI-TEXT-size unit

16 minutes04 seconds

UI-Text-Construct common XML attributes

31 minutes41 seconds

UI-Text component

32 minutes08 seconds

UI=Button component

26 minutes07 seconds

TextField component

14 minutes55 seconds

UI-Image group

UI-TabList and Tab components

26 minutes26 seconds

UI-TabList event listening-page frame

26 minutes26 seconds

UI-Picker component

UI-DatePicker and TimePicker

Chapter6Chapter Six

UI-Switch component

19 minutes10 seconds


UI-Checkbox component


UI-Slider component

UI-ToastDialog component

36 minutes54 seconds

UI-ScrollView component

UI-ListContainer component-01

27 minutes02 seconds

UI-ListConrainer component-02

26 minutes44 seconds

UI-PageSlider component

35 minutes30 seconds
Chapter7Chapter VII

UI-PageSlider carousel chart implementation

29 minutes53 seconds

UI-PageSlider page switching event listening

03 minutes02 seconds

UI-T abList and PageSlider switching linkage

18 minutes28 seconds

UI-PageSliderIndicator component

09 minutes27 seconds

Introduction to UI-layout components






Chapter8chapter eight

UI-TableLayout implements product list-01

UI-TableLayout implements product list-02

Introduction to other module development

Mall APP-Demand Analysis

13 minutes33 seconds

Business process analysis (home page, classification)

19 minutes19 seconds

Business process analysis (shopping cart, mine)

09 minutes36 seconds

UI design-Homepage Tab menu (create project, initialize TabList)

15 minutes17 seconds

UI design-Home Tab menu (initializing TabSlider)

11 minutes19 seconds

UI design-Homepage Tab menu (TabList and PageSlider linkage)

08 minutes46 seconds

UI design-Homepage UI design (search box-carousel area-system function menu)

38 minutes34 seconds
Chapter9Chapter nine

Home page UI design (recommended product list-scroll view)

22 minutes32 seconds

Product list jumps to product details

38 minutes14 seconds

Product details page UI design

14 minutes49 seconds

Home search box gets focus and navigates to the search page

16 minutes32 seconds

Product search page

21 minutes50 seconds

Category UI design

27 minutes25 seconds

Click the category search box to jump to the search page

08 minutes05 seconds

Shopping cart list page design

22 minutes47 seconds

User-centered interface design

19 minutes05 seconds

The shopping cart list jumps to the order settlement page

16 minutes15 seconds
Chapter10chapter Ten

Order settlement page design

34 minutes36 seconds

Network Management-API Interface Access-Introduction and Case Preparation

19 minutes31 seconds

Start a new thread in the application

07 minutes46 seconds

Access steps

31 minutes50 seconds

Package class 01

Package class 02

Add dependencies in gradle project

10 minutes51 seconds

API interface access test

44 minutes22 seconds

UI design-application full screen display

07 minutes31 seconds

Mall APP-Function Implementation-User Authentication Process

10 minutes29 seconds
Chapter11Chapter 11

User authentication database operations

22 minutes14 seconds

User authentication page design

13 minutes05 seconds

User authentication process implementation 01

17 minutes50 seconds

User authentication process implementation 02

32 minutes47 seconds

Home page carousel - interface access

18 minutes12 seconds

Home page carousel network image loading

39 minutes52 seconds

Summary of homepage carousel chart implementation

09 minutes11 seconds

Home page product recommendation-Access interface to obtain data

40 minutes59 seconds

Show product list

20 minutes39 seconds

Click on the list to jump to the details page

Chapter12Chapter 12

Access interface to obtain data

29 minutes12 seconds

Show product images

18 minutes50 seconds

Show product packages

34 minutes00 seconds

Package linkage

Add to cart-modify product quantity

19 minutes31 seconds

Button UI design

07 minutes28 seconds

submit data

Classified information display-access interface

Rendering first level classification

24 minutes14 seconds

Secondary categories are displayed by default

34 minutes01 seconds
Chapter13Chapter 13

Load three-level classification

27 minutes59 seconds

Click on the first-level classification to link the second and third levels

23 minutes14 seconds

Product search 1

29 minutes24 seconds

Product search 2

Click on the search result to jump to the details page

05 minutes41 seconds

Click on the category to jump to the search page

16 minutes57 seconds

Query products based on category ID

18 minutes29 seconds

Show search list

12 minutes56 seconds

Shopping cart list display-query shopping cart information

Shopping cart list - rendering list data

15 minutes48 seconds
Chapter14Chapter 14

Modify shopping cart quantity-button event listening

15 minutes08 seconds

Submit modification-price linkage

Cart Checkout - Pass the selected cart ID to the checkout page

23 minutes41 seconds

Get the product and address on the checkout page

Show product information

17 minutes50 seconds

Show address information

12 minutes35 seconds

Submit order - calculate price, select payment method

21 minutes53 seconds

Get order data

22 minutes50 seconds

Submit order data

13 minutes37 seconds

User Center-Display user information

33 minutes31 seconds
Chapter15Chapter 15

Click the button-query order

21 minutes40 seconds

Display order UI design

18 minutes29 seconds

Show order list

29 minutes54 seconds

Log printing

13 minutes11 seconds


04 minutes55 seconds
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