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VUE Advanced—Mobile App Development

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Stage description and content introduction

28 minutes13 seconds

Several methods of mobile app development

07 minutes00 seconds

Mobile App Development-NativeApp Introduction and Features

05 minutes26 seconds

Mobile App Development-WebApp Introduction and Features

06 minutes03 seconds

Mobile App Development-HybridApp Introduction and Features

12 minutes37 seconds

Introduction and features of cross-platform development

18 minutes38 seconds

Other types of apps

11 minutes24 seconds

Development model comparison and selection

19 minutes13 seconds

Distinguish whether the App is native or web

08 minutes42 seconds

DCloud-HTML5+ introduction-HBuliderX installation and project creation

19 minutes23 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

DCloud-HBuliderX simulator testing and API testing

19 minutes43 seconds

DCloud-HBuliderX packaging demo

36 minutes24 seconds

DCloud-HBuliderX packaged headlines

21 minutes05 seconds

Feedback and review

13 minutes18 seconds

MVVM - Introduction and Demonstration

11 minutes50 seconds

MVVM-Responsive Change Principle-Introduction

09 minutes05 seconds

Object.defineProperty()-Basic usage

25 minutes13 seconds

Object.defineProperty() simulates vm object

09 minutes17 seconds

Object.defineProperty - additional details

13 minutes52 seconds


02 minutes30 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Introduction to publish-subscribe model

11 minutes15 seconds

Implementation of publish-subscribe model-$on

23 minutes21 seconds

Implementation of publish-subscribe model-$emit

05 minutes26 seconds

Implementation of publish-subscribe model-$emit-parameter

09 minutes43 seconds

Implementation of publish-subscribe model-$emit-this question

10 minutes58 seconds

Implementation of publish-subscribe model - summary

07 minutes16 seconds

MVVM implementation-DOM review

16 minutes13 seconds

MVVM implementation-analyzing Vue constructor-preparing structure

08 minutes44 seconds

MVVM implementation-proxyData proxyData

25 minutes48 seconds

MVVM implementation-data hijacking Observer

20 minutes32 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

MVVM implementation-compile template Compiler-design structure-auxiliary function

21 minutes22 seconds

Feedback and review

24 minutes24 seconds

MVVM implementation-compile template Compiler-process text nodes

14 minutes22 seconds

MVVM implementation-compile template Compiler-process element nodes

13 minutes24 seconds

MVVM implementation-data-driven view

17 minutes57 seconds

MVVM implementation - view changes update data

07 minutes41 seconds

CSR demo and features

09 minutes35 seconds

SSR rendering demo and features

04 minutes15 seconds

SPA demo and features

06 minutes27 seconds

Introduction to SSR for Vue

07 minutes38 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

SSR demo for Vue

16 minutes38 seconds

Introduction to Nuxt

10 minutes42 seconds

Create project with Nuxt

14 minutes06 seconds


18 minutes00 seconds

Nuxt validates server-side rendering and single-page applications

08 minutes32 seconds

asyncData for Nuxt

14 minutes04 seconds

The difference between Nuxt server and client sending requests

10 minutes47 seconds

Nuxt life cycle hook function

03 minutes18 seconds

Nuxt scaffolding creation project

10 minutes49 seconds

Case-Page Layout

10 minutes16 seconds

Case - static page

02 minutes04 seconds

Case-axios module

09 minutes41 seconds
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