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Front-end zero foundation to vue practical course

Introduction >
Chapter1Front-end introduction and HTML head tags

Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 01

19 minutes36 seconds

Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 02

19 minutes18 seconds

Front-end introduction and HTML head tag 03

18 minutes55 seconds

Commonly used tags in body tags 01

17 minutes02 seconds

Commonly used tags in body tags 02

17 minutes28 seconds

Commonly used tags in the body tag 03

15 minutes56 seconds
Chapter2table form css introduction

table form css introduction 01

19 minutes41 seconds

table form css introduction 02

19 minutes29 seconds

table form css introduction 03

19 minutes07 seconds

css selector and attributes 01

19 minutes10 seconds

css selector and attributes 02

18 minutes57 seconds

css selector and attributes 03

15 minutes42 seconds
Chapter3css size properties and layout properties

css size properties and layout properties 01

17 minutes05 seconds

css size properties and layout properties 02

19 minutes15 seconds

css size properties and layout properties 03

20 minutes01 seconds

Floating and Flexible Box 01

19 minutes49 seconds

Floating and Flexible Box 02

20 minutes50 seconds

Floating and Flexible Box 03

21 minutes11 seconds
Chapter4Define layout framework file

Define layout framework file 01

22 minutes02 seconds

Define layout framework file 02

18 minutes38 seconds

Define layout framework file 03

21 minutes56 seconds

Font Icon Header Layout 01

16 minutes49 seconds

Font Icon Header Layout 02

18 minutes30 seconds

Font Icon Header Layout 03

17 minutes06 seconds
Chapter5Animation and public headers

Animated and public headers 01

22 minutes52 seconds

Animated and public headers 02

21 minutes57 seconds

Animated and public headers 03

22 minutes27 seconds

Home Page Layout 01

18 minutes55 seconds

Home Page Layout 02

20 minutes27 seconds

Home Page Layout 03

18 minutes21 seconds
Chapter6List page and detail page

List page and detail page—Part 01

21 minutes12 seconds

List page and detail page—Part 02

21 minutes10 seconds

List page and detail page—Part 03

21 minutes17 seconds

Product details page 01

17 minutes36 seconds

Product details page 02

19 minutes09 seconds

Product details page 03

16 minutes06 seconds
Chapter7Shopping cart and order page

Shopping cart and order page 01

20 minutes06 seconds

Shopping cart and order page 02

20 minutes47 seconds

Shopping cart and order page 03

19 minutes51 seconds

Order page and media inquiries 01

18 minutes43 seconds

Order page and media inquiries 02

18 minutes22 seconds

Order page and media inquiries 03

18 minutes22 seconds
Chapter8JavaScript basic syntax

JavaScript basic syntax 01

20 minutes29 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 02

20 minutes32 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 03

22 minutes10 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 04

19 minutes23 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 05

20 minutes10 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 06

20 minutes46 seconds

JavaScript basic syntax 07

13 minutes48 seconds
Chapter9js function application

js function application 01

18 minutes17 seconds

js function application 02

18 minutes05 seconds

js function application 03

18 minutes04 seconds

js function application 04

20 minutes57 seconds

js object application 01

20 minutes41 seconds

js object application 02

19 minutes49 seconds

js object application 03

19 minutes55 seconds
Chapter10JS built-in objects

JS built-in object 01

20 minutes34 seconds

JS built-in objects 02

19 minutes56 seconds

JS built-in objects 03

21 minutes06 seconds

JS built-in objects 04

18 minutes18 seconds

JS built-in objects 05

18 minutes15 seconds

JS built-in objects 06

17 minutes55 seconds

JS built-in objects 07

18 minutes42 seconds
Chapter11BOM object operations

BOM object operation 01

22 minutes23 seconds

BOM object operation 02

22 minutes10 seconds

BOM object operation 03

21 minutes49 seconds

BOM object operation 04

23 minutes05 seconds

BOM object operation 05

22 minutes22 seconds

BOM object operation 06

23 minutes22 seconds
Chapter12DOM manipulation

DOM manipulation 01

19 minutes26 seconds

DOM manipulation 02

18 minutes42 seconds

DOM manipulation 03

21 minutes17 seconds

DOM manipulation 04

23 minutes14 seconds

DOM manipulation 05

23 minutes39 seconds

DOM manipulation 06

22 minutes49 seconds
Chapter13DOM node navigation

DOM node navigation 01

18 minutes35 seconds

DOM node navigation 02

17 minutes56 seconds

DOM node navigation 03

21 minutes17 seconds

Position and animation 01

23 minutes06 seconds

Position and Animation02

23 minutes18 seconds

Position and Animation 03

21 minutes41 seconds
Chapter14event object

event object 01

24 minutes11 seconds

event object 02

27 minutes08 seconds

event object 03

22 minutes15 seconds

DOM event 01

20 minutes23 seconds

DOM event 02

20 minutes37 seconds

DOM event 03

21 minutes40 seconds
Chapter15PHP project installation

PHP project installation 01

23 minutes10 seconds

PHP project installation 02

23 minutes54 seconds

PHP project installation 03

24 minutes59 seconds

Slide Show 01

20 minutes12 seconds

Slide Show 02

20 minutes00 seconds

Slide Show 03

20 minutes18 seconds

Slide Show 04

21 minutes47 seconds
Chapter16nodejs module application

Learn about Nodejs01

23 minutes08 seconds

Learn about Nodejs02

23 minutes10 seconds

Learn about Nodejs03

24 minutes13 seconds

nodejs module application 01

16 minutes48 seconds

nodejs module application 02

17 minutes59 seconds

nodejs module application 03

19 minutes16 seconds
Chapter17NPM package management tool

NPM package management tool 01

17 minutes49 seconds

NPM package management tool 02

18 minutes37 seconds

NPM package management tool 03

19 minutes45 seconds

Webpack installation and use 01

22 minutes15 seconds

Webpack installation and use 02

22 minutes55 seconds

Webpack installation and use 03

21 minutes17 seconds
Chapter18WebPack configuration and management

WebPack configuration and management 01

20 minutes32 seconds

WebPack configuration and management 02

19 minutes53 seconds

WebPack configuration and management 03

20 minutes14 seconds

WebPack configuration and management 04

19 minutes43 seconds

ES6 new standard 01

17 minutes15 seconds

ES6 new standard 02

17 minutes34 seconds

ES6 new standard 03

16 minutes30 seconds
Chapter19The new standard for ES6

ES6’s new standard 01

24 minutes24 seconds

ES6’s new standard 02

23 minutes56 seconds

ES6’s new standard 03

24 minutes25 seconds

ES6 Advanced Syntax 01

25 minutes30 seconds

ES6 Advanced Syntax 02

22 minutes18 seconds

ES6 Advanced Syntax 03

22 minutes44 seconds
Chapter20Vue first experience and template syntax

Vue first experience and installation 01

18 minutes18 seconds

Vue first experience and installation 02

18 minutes48 seconds

Vue first experience and installation 03

15 minutes53 seconds

Vue’s template syntax 01

23 minutes49 seconds

Vue’s template syntax 02

25 minutes15 seconds

Vue’s template syntax 03

24 minutes14 seconds
Chapter21Vue’s template syntax-2

Vue’s template syntax-2 (01)

22 minutes38 seconds

Vue’s template syntax-2 (02)

19 minutes14 seconds

Vue’s template syntax-2 (03)

22 minutes29 seconds

Vue’s template syntax-3 (01)

22 minutes19 seconds

Vue’s template syntax-3 (02)

19 minutes25 seconds

Vue’s template syntax-3 (03)

25 minutes37 seconds
Chapter22Component creation and use

Component creation and use 01

23 minutes48 seconds

Component creation and use 02

22 minutes59 seconds

Component creation and use 03

23 minutes26 seconds

Component development ideas 01

20 minutes23 seconds

Component development ideas 02

20 minutes39 seconds
Chapter23Component life cycle and Element-plus

Component life cycle and Element-plus01

22 minutes48 seconds

Component life cycle and Element-plus02

22 minutes31 seconds

Component life cycle and Element-plus03

21 minutes17 seconds

Vue routing basics 01

25 minutes44 seconds

Vue routing basics 02

24 minutes36 seconds
Chapter24The second half of Vue routing

The second half of Vue routing 01

21 minutes08 seconds

Vue routing second half 02

21 minutes49 seconds

The second half of Vue routing 03

23 minutes22 seconds

Vuex state management01

20 minutes59 seconds

Vuex state management02

20 minutes07 seconds

Vuex state management 03

22 minutes07 seconds
Chapter25Vue3 new feature combination API-setup() method application

Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 01

23 minutes32 seconds

Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 02

20 minutes52 seconds

Vue3 new feature combination API-setup method application 03

21 minutes46 seconds

API Part 01 of the Combination API

17 minutes28 seconds

API Part 02 of the Combination API

19 minutes51 seconds

API Part 03 of the Combination API

19 minutes58 seconds

API Part 07 of the Combination API

16 minutes49 seconds
Chapter26Axios asynchronous network request

Axios asynchronous network request 01

24 minutes23 seconds

Axios asynchronous network request 02

24 minutes33 seconds

Axios asynchronous network request 03

24 minutes12 seconds

Encapsulating network request 01

22 minutes41 seconds

Encapsulating network request 02

21 minutes50 seconds
Chapter27Project initialization

Project initialization 01

22 minutes21 seconds

Project initialization 02

23 minutes05 seconds

Project initialization 03

22 minutes19 seconds

Project menu and title bar 01

25 minutes21 seconds

Project menu and title bar 02

26 minutes41 seconds
Chapter28Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage

Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 01

23 minutes41 seconds

Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 02

20 minutes47 seconds

Product recommendations and tabs on the homepage 03

22 minutes39 seconds

Home page pulls up to load more 01

23 minutes16 seconds

Home page pulls up to load more 02

24 minutes03 seconds

Home page pulls up to load more 03

20 minutes46 seconds
Chapter29Improve the development of home page

Improve the development of home page 01

22 minutes51 seconds

Improve the development of home page 02

22 minutes04 seconds

Improve the development of home page 03

20 minutes45 seconds

Categories and product details 01

22 minutes23 seconds

Categories and product details 02

22 minutes55 seconds

Categories and product details 03

21 minutes44 seconds
Chapter30Login and register

Login and registration 01

25 minutes02 seconds

Login and registration 02

26 minutes58 seconds

Login and registration 03

18 minutes34 seconds

Add to cart 01

18 minutes28 seconds

Add to cart 02

18 minutes38 seconds

Add to cart 03

20 minutes02 seconds
Chapter31Project installation and deployment

Project installation and deployment 01

24 minutes29 seconds

Project installation and deployment 02

24 minutes18 seconds

Project installation and deployment 03

22 minutes22 seconds

Project Overview 01

23 minutes51 seconds

Project Quick View 02

24 minutes13 seconds
Chapter32Backend API construction

Backend API construction 01

24 minutes32 seconds

Backend API construction 02

24 minutes19 seconds

Front-end project construction 01

17 minutes58 seconds

Front-end project construction 02

18 minutes37 seconds

Front-end project construction 03

18 minutes34 seconds
Chapter33Common positions and introductions in Internet companies

Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 01

20 minutes14 seconds

Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 02

15 minutes28 seconds

Common positions and introductions in Internet companies 03

16 minutes40 seconds

Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 01

19 minutes17 seconds

Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 02

19 minutes52 seconds

Introduction to common Internet positions and R&D processes 03

20 minutes16 seconds
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