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Getting Started with PHP and Mastering Object-Oriented Programming (Part 2)

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

MVC custom framework (understand the framework)

08 minutes29 seconds

MVC custom framework (custom framework analysis)

13 minutes08 seconds

MVC custom framework (design ideas and content)

02 minutes27 seconds

MVC custom framework (directory structure design)

09 minutes12 seconds

MVC custom framework (configuration server)

04 minutes12 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

MVC custom framework (implementation of entry file index.php)

10 minutes40 seconds

MVC custom framework (initialization file App.php01)

10 minutes33 seconds

MVC custom framework (initialization file App.php02)

16 minutes16 seconds

MVC custom framework (initialization file App.php03)

06 minutes56 seconds

MVC custom framework (initialization file App.php04)

14 minutes17 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

MVC custom framework (initialization file App.php05)

10 minutes45 seconds

MVC custom framework (public controllerController.php01)

15 minutes53 seconds

MVC custom framework (public controllerController.php02)

10 minutes05 seconds

MVC custom framework (DAO design Dao.php)

06 minutes34 seconds

MVC custom framework (public model Model.php01)

08 minutes15 seconds

MVC custom framework (public model Model.php02)

19 minutes09 seconds

MVC custom framework (overall test)

10 minutes41 seconds
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