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5-day quick JS basics video tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1first day

Preparation before class

06 minutes46 seconds

Introduction to programming tools

11 minutes07 seconds

Introduction to javascript

11 minutes14 seconds

js development history and learning summary

25 minutes08 seconds

How to write a js code and run it

14 minutes15 seconds

Declare variables and assign values

10 minutes10 seconds

Variable naming rules

18 minutes17 seconds

Data types—numeric and string

15 minutes53 seconds
Chapter2the next day

Other data types

14 minutes09 seconds

Code comments

01 minutes36 seconds

Convert other types to string

07 minutes06 seconds

Numeric type conversion

09 minutes21 seconds

boolean type conversion

04 minutes35 seconds

Operator—arithmetic operator

04 minutes20 seconds

unary operator

17 minutes41 seconds

Logical Operators

14 minutes09 seconds

comparison operator

06 minutes41 seconds

Assignment operation

03 minutes22 seconds

operator precedence

17 minutes36 seconds
Chapter3The third day

if judgment

20 minutes20 seconds

Usage of switch-case

08 minutes31 seconds

while loop

17 minutes46 seconds

do-while loop

05 minutes56 seconds

for loop

14 minutes04 seconds

for loop prints triangles

07 minutes05 seconds

for loop multiplication table

08 minutes58 seconds


09 minutes21 seconds

Basic concepts of arrays

19 minutes11 seconds

Get array elements

07 minutes23 seconds

Iterate over array elements

08 minutes23 seconds
Chapter4The fourth day

Find the sum of array elements

03 minutes11 seconds

Loop through array

10 minutes01 seconds

Function declaration and calling

10 minutes45 seconds

formal parameter

11 minutes55 seconds

function return value

10 minutes33 seconds

Anonymous functions and self-calling

07 minutes24 seconds

function as parameter

08 minutes51 seconds

Function as parameter 2

04 minutes06 seconds

Variable promotion and code execution phase

14 minutes17 seconds

Scope and code execution

08 minutes39 seconds

Scope and scope chain

10 minutes39 seconds

Overview of the object

06 minutes07 seconds

Object declaration and use

13 minutes58 seconds
Chapter5fifth day

this is an object

08 minutes48 seconds

point to this

08 minutes40 seconds

Object traversal and deletion

07 minutes37 seconds

wrapper object

09 minutes04 seconds

mathematical objects

21 minutes02 seconds

date object

12 minutes54 seconds

array object

13 minutes06 seconds

string object

12 minutes05 seconds

Code specifications

12 minutes35 seconds
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