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webpack+vue—Build a front-end project from scratch

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Course Introduction

Project initialization

Create Vue root instance

Mount App components


webpack basic configuration

webpack script

Installation of vue-loader

Configuration of vue-loader

vue-loader test

Chapter2Chapter two

Introduction to commonly used loaders

Basic use of file-loader (Part 1)

Basic use of file-loader (Part 2)

Usage of url-loader

css packaging (Part 1)

css packaging (Part 2)

stylus introduction and plug-ins

stylus file packaging

Using stylus in vue

html-webpack-plugin plugin

Chapter3third chapter


autoprefixer plugin

devServer introduction and configuration

Business code implementation

HMR demo


Production environment packaging

Extract common code

Parsing ES6


Chapter4Chapter Four

Project preparation

Component splitting

Basic implementation of MainHeader component

MainHeader code optimization

MainTodo page structure

MainTodo style

TodoItem page structure

TodoItem style

TodoItem adds functionality

TodoItem selected delete function

Chapter5chapter Five

TodoInfo style

TodoInfo style optimization

TodoInfo statistics function

TodoInfo status switching function

Todoinfo delete function


Mainfooter component

  • CancelreplySending
  • Cancelpost a noteSending