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Vue in action—create your own takeout system

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Project function demonstration

11 minutes23 seconds

Project development preparation

18 minutes58 seconds

Create project and run

12 minutes36 seconds

Resource preparation

08 minutes55 seconds

Project source code directory design

05 minutes20 seconds

stylus use

07 minutes28 seconds

component coding

13 minutes29 seconds

Introduce vue-router

08 minutes38 seconds

FooterGuide component

13 minutes11 seconds

Each navigation routing component (static)

16 minutes05 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

HeaderTop component

10 minutes33 seconds

Use swiper to implement product classification list carousel

08 minutes43 seconds

ShopList component (static)

06 minutes23 seconds

Login component (static)

16 minutes58 seconds

Start the background application and test the interface

18 minutes40 seconds

Encapsulate ajax request function

13 minutes17 seconds

Encapsulate interface request function

11 minutes20 seconds

Use git for version control of projects

04 minutes52 seconds


22 minutes39 seconds

Configure the proxy to implement cross-domain ajax requests

08 minutes09 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Create the overall structure of vuex

08 minutes15 seconds

Use vuex to manage homepage data

21 minutes10 seconds

Asynchronously display the current address

08 minutes24 seconds

Display food category carousel list asynchronously

25 minutes34 seconds

Use watch and $nextTick to solve carousel bugs

11 minutes04 seconds

Display merchant list asynchronously

11 minutes16 seconds

Use svg to display the loading prompt interface

07 minutes25 seconds

Star component

22 minutes44 seconds

Registration and login function demonstration instructions

09 minutes02 seconds

Login interface effect 1_switch login method

07 minutes09 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Login interface effect 2_Mobile phone number check

08 minutes01 seconds

Login interface effect 3_countdown effect

13 minutes00 seconds

Login interface effect 4_switch the display and hiding of passwords

12 minutes35 seconds

Login interface effect 5_front desk expression verification

21 minutes31 seconds


22 minutes28 seconds

Dynamic one-time graphic verification code

09 minutes19 seconds

Define interface request function

08 minutes45 seconds

Login_Send SMS verification code

18 minutes42 seconds

Login_Complete login request

14 minutes46 seconds

Login_Save user information to vuex

06 minutes12 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Update the personal center interface after logging in

07 minutes00 seconds

Login to update jump route

06 minutes20 seconds

Automatic login

09 minutes28 seconds

sign out

15 minutes15 seconds

Build the overall merchant interface

18 minutes00 seconds

json understanding

10 minutes14 seconds

Design json data

17 minutes27 seconds

Use mockjs to simulate interface data

19 minutes58 seconds

ajax request mockjs simulated interface

10 minutes25 seconds

ShopHeader component

38 minutes15 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six


33 minutes42 seconds

Display goods data asynchronously

23 minutes15 seconds

Sliding effect analysis

13 minutes34 seconds

Use better-scroll to implement rebound sliding

19 minutes19 seconds


15 minutes18 seconds

Collect tops

08 minutes49 seconds

Slide the list on the right to update the current category

12 minutes16 seconds

Solve the bug of inertial sliding not updating the current category

04 minutes46 seconds

Click on the category item to slide the list on the right

13 minutes39 seconds

CartControl component 1

10 minutes07 seconds
Chapter7Chapter VII

CartControl component 2

23 minutes21 seconds

Food component 1

15 minutes11 seconds

Food component 2

06 minutes59 seconds

ShopCart component 1

18 minutes51 seconds

ShopCart Component 2

16 minutes41 seconds

Show list of shopping items

05 minutes53 seconds

Solve 3 bugs in list display

08 minutes12 seconds


25 minutes21 seconds

Shopping cart animation

08 minutes47 seconds

Shopping cart list sliding

13 minutes43 seconds
Chapter8chapter eight

Clear shopping cart

10 minutes53 seconds


18 minutes34 seconds

ShopRatings component 2

32 minutes14 seconds

ShopInfo component 1

11 minutes16 seconds

ShopInfo component 2

12 minutes33 seconds

ShopInfo component 3

09 minutes33 seconds

Search component

28 minutes03 seconds

Cache route component object

03 minutes37 seconds

Lazy loading of routing components

13 minutes50 seconds

Lazy loading of images vue-lazyload

08 minutes28 seconds

Use moment to implement date filter

05 minutes09 seconds

Packed file analysis and optimization

09 minutes16 seconds
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