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Postman interface testing practice - the transformation from wild road to master

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Postman's Interface Testing Soul Question

28 minutes20 seconds

Detailed explanation of Postman interface return data and JSON

13 minutes47 seconds

Postman interface test protocol

23 minutes40 seconds

Postman's enterprise interface testing process and solutions

12 minutes37 seconds

Postman interface testing tool and postman introduction

49 minutes06 seconds

Postman's built-in dynamic parameters

20 minutes49 seconds

Postman environment variables and global variables

17 minutes12 seconds

Postman interface association

31 minutes20 seconds

Postman regular expression extraction

58 minutes04 seconds

Postman project practice

01 Hours20 minutes56 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

The main technologies of interface testing

22 minutes58 seconds

Dynamic parameter solution for interface testing

11 minutes11 seconds

Interface testing automatically uses dynamic parameters

28 minutes03 seconds

Interface testing: solution when there are more than N interfaces and need to use customized dynamic parameters

36 minutes02 seconds

Encryption, decryption and Fiddler digital certificate principles for interface testing

22 minutes31 seconds

Interface testing interface testing tool postman, Jmeter encryption practice

32 minutes54 seconds

Interface signature Sign test rules and principles for interface testing

40 minutes24 seconds

10 commonly used components of Jmeter for interface testing

07 minutes43 seconds

Interface testing: steps for using Jmeter to do interface testing

20 minutes27 seconds

Interface association for interface testing

30 minutes21 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Other important functions of Jmeter for interface testing

31 minutes58 seconds

Introduction and principles of Fiddler grabbing board for interface testing

31 minutes57 seconds

Interface testing: Fiddler packet capture practice

35 minutes45 seconds

Interface testing: Fiddler captures the actual combat and principle of http protocol messages

36 minutes52 seconds

Jmeter interface and interface meaning for interface testing

16 minutes07 seconds

Jmeter Http protocol for interface testing

47 minutes42 seconds

Jmeter tool for interface testing implements interface testing

01 Hours04 minutes10 seconds

Jmeter associated interface for interface testing

11 minutes56 seconds

Jmeter regular expression extractor for interface testing

45 minutes38 seconds

Jmeter json extractor for interface testing

26 minutes05 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Jmeter's websocket protocol and websocket interface for interface testing

41 minutes05 seconds

Dubbo protocol and Dubbo interface of Jmeter for interface testing

01 Hours23 minutes07 seconds

The exciting feeling of Jmeter for interface testing

Analysis of interface testing principles of interface testing

Interface Testing Easily Guides You to Handle Associated Interfaces Based on Multiple Methods

Enterprise interface automation for interface testing should master mainstream skills and how to build an automation framework

46 minutes44 seconds

Interface and interface significance of interface testing

Interface Testing BATJ Interface Automation Test Interview Frequently Asked Questions

Interface testing: the mainstream automation technology system for enterprise interfaces

38 minutes53 seconds

Basic usage of the decorator @pytest.mark.parametrize() in interface automation pytest

22 minutes00 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Detailed explanation of Yaml file syntax rules for interface automation

44 minutes08 seconds

Get video data notes Extension of interface automation

28 minutes37 seconds

Interface automation unittest unit testing framework

Interface automation multi-interface association

57 minutes39 seconds

Interface automation cookie authentication solution

Interface automation session authentication solution

Interface automation token authentication solution

32 minutes46 seconds

What is a framework for interface automation?

What is the automation framework and its role in interface automation?

Comparison of unit testing frameworks for interface automation

27 minutes12 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

What does the unittest framework for interface automation mainly do?

03 minutes40 seconds

Important components of unittest for interface automation

TestCase usage for interface automation

Interface automation use case execution sequence

50 minutes55 seconds

TestFixture test fixture for interface automation, or test firmware

Assertions in the unittest unit framework of interface automation

Reports in HTML format generated by interface automation batch execution use cases

Interface automation project practice

Introduction to Yaml for Automation

11 minutes07 seconds

Automation json format

Chapter7Chapter VII

Automation Yaml data driver

Interface automation pytest unit testing framework

What is the relationship between the unit testing framework of interface automation and the automated testing framework?

Introduction to pytest for interface automation

How to run pytest test cases for interface automation

43 minutes11 seconds

What is the order in which pytest executes test cases for interface automation?

48 minutes44 seconds

Interface automation pytest skips test cases

Interface automation setupeardown, setup_classterdown_class

Interface automation uses @pytest.fixture() decorator to implement pre- and post-processing of some test cases

Interface automation pytest practice

01 Hours11 minutes33 seconds
Chapter8chapter eight

Interface automation realizes global front-end application through the combination of and pytest.fixture()

What is HttpRunner for interface automation?

Design ideas and concepts of interface automation

HttpRunner environment construction for interface automation

Interface automation generates use cases in one minute

Interface automation HttpRunner

09 minutes28 seconds

HttpRunner design and concept for interface automation

Use and installation of HttpRunner for interface automation

07 minutes38 seconds

Get started quickly with HttpRunner for interface automation

18 minutes19 seconds

Interface automation HttpRunner interface automation testing framework

01 Hours04 minutes05 seconds
Chapter9Chapter nine

Interface automation: Python sends emails

33 minutes18 seconds

Interface automation: Jenkins continuous integration email function

Introduction to Yaml and syntax rules for interface automation

Yaml syntax rules for interface automation

Comparison of Yaml and json data structures of interface automation framework

Processing of Yaml configuration files for interface automation

11 minutes57 seconds

Yaml for interface automation implements interface automation test cases

Detailed introduction to pytest for interface automation

Interface automation pytestunittest unit testing framework

Interface automation pytest default test case rules and basic applications

Chapter10chapter Ten

There are many ways to run pytest

The powerful functions of interface automation

Customization of reports for interface automation

Interface automation interface automation testing framework

What is interface encryption and decryption in interface automation?

Interface Automation: What interface encryption and decryption are currently available on the market?

Interface automation interface test tool encryption and decryption practice

Only one encryption method is not enough for interface automation

What is an automated testing framework for interface automation?

Interface Automation Assertions

Chapter11Chapter 11

Interface automation failure rerun

07 minutes05 seconds

Data-driven interface automation

03 minutes03 seconds

Interface automation test case classification execution

Interface automation test report

Interface Automation Why Interface Automation Testing is Needed

Interface Automation: Understanding Cookies

How to use interface automation in the interface automation testing framework?

Interface automation project interface use case management

Interface automation, the mainstream automation technology system of enterprises

Interface automation Request sends get and post requests

Chapter12Chapter 12

Interface automation solution for handling interface dependencies in a single file

22 minutes56 seconds

Solutions for handling interface dependencies in the interface automation framework of interface automation

Interface automation Python realizes the operation of MySQL database

34 minutes18 seconds

Interface automation: Python+request interface automation practice

Interface automation PyMySQL realizes serious database connection and query

Interface Automation Interface Automation and MySQL Database Validation

Interface automation unittest+HtmlRunner generates html format test report

Interface automation: how to generate automated test reports for BATJ major manufacturers

What core technologies should be mastered in enterprise-level automation of interface automation?

Interface automation and its meaning

Chapter13Chapter 13

Interface Automation BATJ Interface Automation Testing Interview Questions Summary and Secrets

42 minutes49 seconds

Interface automation: automation technology system for enterprise interfaces

Introduction to WEB automated testing of automated testing

11 minutes28 seconds

Python+selenium environment construction for automated testing

02 minutes50 seconds

Positioning of the eight elements of automated testing

38 minutes30 seconds

Automated testing project practice

Design pattern packaging for automated testing

01 Hours48 minutes26 seconds

Automated testing assertions

22 minutes49 seconds

EXCEL data driver for automated testing

40 minutes47 seconds
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