Install virtual machine and Linux system
32 minutes26 secondsBootstrap installation and testing
Django framework introduction and installation
18 minutes57 secondsIntroduction to JavaScript application and introduction to ES6
Basic introduction to MySQL database
18 minutes40 secondsInitial Data Analysis 1 Introduction to Data Analysis
Course Outline and Learning Objectives
Course Introduction_HD
Object-oriented-oop-preview-what is object-oriented
Reptile Practice_Course Introduction
06 minutes31 secondsUnderstand CSS and several ways to place it
Get to know JQuery
What is data analysis
Website introduction
Homework explanation: perpetual calendar
18 minutes00 secondsFirst introduction to Linux
Ajax principles and application scenarios
Django creates project
http protocol
JavaScript syntax and format
29 minutes14 secondsJQ selector and common special effects
Install mysql and graphics tools on win10 system
Initial Data Analysis 2 Data Analysis Contents
Environment installation introduction
basic selector
Understand document object collections and methods of manipulating content
Object-oriented-oop-preview-object-oriented summary and classes and objects
Practical Reptile Combat_Understanding Reptiles
Understand BOM and page loading events
What abilities should a data analyst have?
grid layout
Directory operation commands
Django creates an application that outputs hello world
JQ case practice and class style operation
Installation and basic use of requests library
Install the server-side operating environment
Declaration and use of variables
level selector
First introduction to python scripts
Initial Data Analysis 3 Final Output Report
First HTML file
28 minutes46 secondsProperties and methods in browsers
Object-oriented-oop-basic implementation
Set style operation
Simple classification of data types
Install MySQL on Mac system
grid level
File operation commands
Django uses template files and static files
HTML tag related
JQ chain programming and animation
Data types in JS
User-Agent request header in requests library
Variable definition and data exchange
Menu example
Initial Data Analysis 4 Environment Installation Introduction
Create XMLHttpRequest object
Object-oriented-oop-operations on object members
Understand and operate the basic commands of mysql
attribute selector
statistical classification of data
hide and show
vim editor
The relationship between Ajax and HTTP protocol
Some concepts and framework design ideas in Django
HTML body structure
Data type conversion in JS
mysql basic operation commands
python data type-string type
post request in requests
Initial pandas and mean and range 1 mean, median, mode
Align and sort
Parent-child window interoperability
Slideshow production and creation of additional elements
Structural pseudo-class selector
Object-oriented-oop-operations on class members
Data analysis process-1
Tab instance
Other commonly used commands
Ajax sends request to server
Detailed explanation of routing in Django framework
Commonly used tags in the head tag
Create, delete elements and attribute operations in Jq
Operators in JS
Basic common data types of mysql
NumberNumber type
window object collection
Initial pandas with mean and range 2 range, mid-range numbers
Understand cookies and sessions
Summary of object-oriented-oop-object-like
Content layout
Other pseudo-class selectors (Part 1)
Data analysis process-2
Get object through class name attribute
File search and disk mounting
Ajax response server data
Flow control in JS
list list type
Mysql data type constraints and primary keys
Cookie information is carried in requests
Application of screen object
Initial pandas and mean and range 3 graph plus variance
Code and graphics
Get the width, height and offset of the element
Detailed explanation of object-oriented-oop-self
Other pseudo-class selectors (Part 2)
Data analysis process-3
Find HTML elements via CSS selectors
Text and text format tags (Part 1)
User and group management
Ajax version chat room
Django framework_model configuration and definition
location object
MySQL database and data table operations
session method in requests library
tuple tuple type
table style
Initial pandas and mean and range 4 jupyter
Scroll position and fixed navigation bar case
function declaration
Object-oriented-oop-initialization method
Understand node attributes
Data analysis process-4
Text and text format tags (Part 2)
Status pseudo-class selector and selector priority
authority management
Dict dictionary type
Django framework_Definition and use of model classes
history object
MySQL data table structure modification
Xpath installation and basic operations
Table editable case
Layout related tags
size attribute
Initial pandas and mean and range 5 pandas content
Function usage
Object-oriented-oop-destructor method
Data analysis process-5
Colors and borders
Navigate between nodes
Customized encapsulation of Ajax methods to simplify operations
Use of COOKIE and encapsulation functions
Django book case_model design and adding form
set collection type
Xpath data parsing method
Initial pandas and mean and range 6 series content
Public style (1)
function parameters
Node operation method encapsulation (Part 1)
Process management
list tag
Object-oriented-oop-log class encapsulation
event binding
Data analysis process-6
Detailed explanation of Mysql storage engine
Application of custom Ajax methods
Font properties (Part 1)
Application of a tag (Part 1)
Load() method application in jQuery
navigator objects and jobs
Xpath practical learning apeland login
Initial pandas with mean and range 7 dataframe
Service Management and FTP Server
Public style (2)
Callback functions and anonymous functions
Basic data type conversion
Node operation method encapsulation (Part 2)
Understand the difference between utf8 and utf8mb4 character sets
Object-oriented - three major characteristics - encapsulation
Event related content (unbinding, event object, event triggering, event bubbling)
Data analysis process-7
Book Case_Picture Preview
Font properties (below)
Application of a tag (Part 2)
DML operation - addition, deletion and modification of data
get() and post() methods in jQuery
Initial pandas and the obtained values of the mean and range 8 dataframe
Create nodes and delete nodes
Public style (3)
Arrow functions and closure functions
Object-oriented - three major characteristics - inheritance
Practical use of crawlers to crawl articles written by Xpath
Container type data conversion
Data analysis process-8
Book Case_Image Upload
Network management and firewall
text attribute
Implicit iteration, multi-library coexistence, plug-in usage
bs4 installation and three ways to use it
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-1
Flex elastic layout (1)
HTML multimedia tag (Part 1)
Application of ajax() method in jQuery
The use of pandas and binomial distribution 1 Filtering of pandas
background properties
Node replacement operation
Object-oriented-Inheritance-Multiple inheritance
what is object
Data analysis process-9
Book Case_Book List
Compression and decompression
Operators - arithmetic operators and character operators
bs4 actual combat
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-2
Flex elastic layout (2)
HTML multimedia tags (Part 2)
The use of pandas and binomial distribution 2 modifications of pandas
Object usage
Scheduled Tasks
list properties
Object Oriented - Inheritance - Diamond Inheritance
Data analysis process-10
Book Case_Delete Data
Position attribute-get the width and height related attributes of the element
Operators-assignment operations, comparison operations, logical operations
Bootstrap component#warning prompt box
bs4-Practical Ape Circle-Code Optimization
Introduction to DIV+CSS layout
DOM animation
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-3
HTML table tag (Part 1)
The use of pandas and binomial distribution 3 Addition and deletion of pandas
Quantitative and qualitative data analysis
How objects are declared
Object-oriented-inheritance-inheritance relationship detection
Package management
Book Case_Data Update and Picture Update
Operators - Binary and Bitwise Operations
Bootstrap Components #Badges and Breadcrumbs
Backend management of Django framework
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-4
HTML table tag (Part 2)
The use of pandas and binomial distribution 4 Binomial distribution
re regular module-introduction
this keyword
Set up LNMP environment
float property
Object-oriented - three major characteristics - polymorphism
Array creation and special array-1
Horizontal scrolling picture effects
Operators - other operators and precedence
Bootstrap components#buttons and button groups
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-5
ES6 class declaration
HTML form tags
Detailed explanation of Nginx
The use of pandas and the prelude to binomial distribution 5 poise distribution
re module related functions-match and search
Process control-branch structure
Object-oriented - three major characteristics - polymorphism - inheritance version
Model relationship_one-to-one
event object
Array creation and special array-2
Simple layout of the header and use of font images
Apache explained
Bootstrap component #card (1)
DQL-MySQL data query SQL-6
10 minutes35 secondsHTML form related tags
The use of pandas and binomial distribution 6 Poisson distribution
re module related functions-other functions
Positioning attribute
Property methods and operators in objects
Process Control-Branch Structure-Twelve Zodiac Signs
Object-oriented higher-order-built-in members
Model relationship_many-to-many