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WeChat applet development (NetEase Cloud Music)

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Course Introduction

04 minutes04 seconds

Project Introduction

08 minutes27 seconds

Course related information

04 minutes54 seconds

Introduction to mini programs

06 minutes12 seconds

Mini program development preparation work

19 minutes24 seconds

Overview of mini program syntax

07 minutes53 seconds

Introduction to the use of small program development tools

17 minutes11 seconds

Initialization project file description

22 minutes11 seconds

Index page static construction

33 minutes31 seconds

data binding

15 minutes14 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

data hijacking agent

12 minutes32 seconds

event binding

08 minutes56 seconds

Route jump

09 minutes42 seconds

life cycle function

13 minutes38 seconds

Get basic user information

21 minutes51 seconds

Window configuration, carousel chart implementation

14 minutes03 seconds

How to use IDE tools to develop small programs

04 minutes46 seconds

iconfont font icon usage

16 minutes01 seconds

Static construction of recommended song area

16 minutes23 seconds

Front-end and back-end interaction

19 minutes01 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Encapsulate request function

16 minutes34 seconds

List rendering

14 minutes25 seconds

Dynamic implementation of recommended songs

07 minutes24 seconds

Custom component

17 minutes35 seconds

Static construction of ranking list

14 minutes18 seconds

Dynamic display of ranking data

19 minutes37 seconds

Intranet penetration

05 minutes44 seconds

Real machine debugging

03 minutes30 seconds

tabBar use

13 minutes41 seconds

Personal center page animation effect implementation

17 minutes52 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Quickly build login interface

03 minutes28 seconds

Collect form item data and pass parameters through event object

25 minutes30 seconds

Front-end verification implementation

11 minutes40 seconds

Backend verification implementation

08 minutes27 seconds

Local storage, personal center, login page interaction

25 minutes10 seconds

User playback record display

12 minutes53 seconds

Improve user playback records

02 minutes02 seconds

Video page header construction

12 minutes46 seconds

Static construction of video navigation area

07 minutes13 seconds

Navigation data dynamic display

16 minutes12 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Get video data through cookies

23 minutes17 seconds

Video list dynamic display

11 minutes39 seconds

Click to switch video function

06 minutes40 seconds

Navigation transition effect implementation

05 minutes02 seconds

Solve the problem of multiple videos playing at the same time

19 minutes51 seconds

image instead of video performance optimization

18 minutes10 seconds

Solve the problem of video content size and video inconsistency

03 minutes03 seconds

Implementation of video list sliding function

07 minutes23 seconds

Realize the function of jumping to the specified position when playing again

23 minutes31 seconds

scroll-view pull-down refresh, pull-up loading function is implemented

17 minutes08 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

Page pull down to refresh, pull up to bottom event description

05 minutes21 seconds

Implementation of forwarding and sharing function

10 minutes14 seconds

Static construction of recommendSong page header

10 minutes42 seconds

recommendSong date dynamic display

02 minutes02 seconds

Static construction of recommendSong content area

17 minutes13 seconds

dynamic display of recommendSong content area

09 minutes48 seconds

SongDetail static page construction

15 minutes47 seconds

Joystick animation implementation

09 minutes13 seconds

Disk animation implementation

09 minutes18 seconds

Construction of bottom control area

08 minutes23 seconds
Chapter7Chapter VII

Route jump parameters

18 minutes27 seconds

Dynamically display song details

08 minutes35 seconds

Implementation of music playback pause function

16 minutes48 seconds

Solve the problem of inconsistent display of music playback status in the system taskbar

13 minutes39 seconds

getApp solves the problem of page destruction music playing status

16 minutes22 seconds

Analysis of page communication requirements, preparation for npm package use

12 minutes42 seconds

pubsub message subscription publishing, custom event description

13 minutes54 seconds

Complete implementation of page communication

19 minutes16 seconds

Implementation of switching song function

11 minutes10 seconds

Optimize performance of playing songs

07 minutes35 seconds
Chapter8chapter eight

Static construction of progress bar area

13 minutes00 seconds

Formatted display of total music duration

08 minutes08 seconds

Formatted display of music real-time playback time

06 minutes01 seconds

Dynamic implementation of progress bar

04 minutes51 seconds

Automatically switches to the next song after music playback

04 minutes19 seconds

Play music page completed

04 minutes38 seconds

search head construction

12 minutes04 seconds

Static construction of hot search list

06 minutes22 seconds

Hot search list, dynamic display of placeholder data

09 minutes37 seconds

Keyword fuzzy matching search data

19 minutes15 seconds
Chapter9Chapter nine

Search list dynamic display

11 minutes50 seconds

Static construction of history section

11 minutes19 seconds

Add search history

20 minutes56 seconds

Delete search history

10 minutes07 seconds

Search page related items

01 minutes48 seconds

Custom template usage

13 minutes32 seconds

Get user login credentials code

11 minutes28 seconds

Server interface registration, front-end and back-end communication

07 minutes03 seconds

Connect to WeChat server to obtain openId

08 minutes54 seconds

jsonwebtoken encryption, decompilation

07 minutes32 seconds

other page related items

01 minutes49 seconds

Regular subcontracting

18 minutes38 seconds

independent subcontracting

07 minutes11 seconds

Subcontracted pre-download

08 minutes32 seconds
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