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React family bucket tutorial

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Introduction to react

27 minutes08 seconds

helloreact case

25 minutes54 seconds

Two ways to create virtual DOM

12 minutes09 seconds

Virtual DOM and real DOM

06 minutes20 seconds

jsx syntax rules

26 minutes32 seconds

jsx small exercises

22 minutes12 seconds

Components and modules

08 minutes03 seconds

Installation of developer tools

06 minutes43 seconds

Functional components

17 minutes33 seconds

Review related knowledge

27 minutes44 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

class component

17 minutes40 seconds

understanding of state

06 minutes41 seconds

Initialize state

13 minutes02 seconds

Event binding in react

12 minutes53 seconds

this in the method in the class

23 minutes39 seconds

Solve the problem of this pointing in the class

08 minutes07 seconds

Use of setState

19 minutes42 seconds

abbreviation for state

18 minutes02 seconds

summarize state

04 minutes21 seconds

Basic usage of props

10 minutes20 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Pass props in batches

17 minutes37 seconds

Limit props

23 minutes19 seconds

abbreviation for props

08 minutes50 seconds

Constructors and props in class components

10 minutes46 seconds

Functional components use props

08 minutes04 seconds

Summary props

04 minutes38 seconds

ref in string form

15 minutes50 seconds

ref in callback form

14 minutes05 seconds

Problem with the number of calls in callback ref

18 minutes42 seconds

Use of createRef

08 minutes50 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four


03 minutes13 seconds

Event handling in react

08 minutes37 seconds

uncontrolled components

13 minutes36 seconds

controlled components

10 minutes33 seconds

Function currying of higher-order functions

26 minutes28 seconds

Writing without currying

06 minutes14 seconds

Lead life cycle

39 minutes01 seconds

Life cycle (old) component mounting process

14 minutes10 seconds

Life cycle (old) setState process

12 minutes59 seconds

Lifecycle (old) forceUpdate process

05 minutes25 seconds
Chapter5chapter Five

Life cycle (old) parent component render process

14 minutes12 seconds

Summary life cycle (old)

09 minutes06 seconds

Compare old and new life cycles

31 minutes27 seconds


16 minutes40 seconds


16 minutes35 seconds

getSnapshotBeforeUpdate example

19 minutes52 seconds

Summary life cycle (new)

04 minutes25 seconds

DOM diffing algorithm

45 minutes37 seconds

Initialize react scaffolding

23 minutes37 seconds

Scaffolding file introduction public

30 minutes35 seconds
Chapter6Chapter Six

Scaffolding file introduction src

18 minutes24 seconds

A simple Hello component

38 minutes00 seconds

Modularity of style

05 minutes06 seconds

Installation of react plug-in in vscode

06 minutes37 seconds

Component coding process

13 minutes14 seconds

TodoList case static component

24 minutes07 seconds

TodoList case dynamic initialization list

20 minutes48 seconds

TodoList case adds todo

24 minutes22 seconds

TodoList case mouse move into effect

08 minutes39 seconds

TodoList case adds a todo

15 minutes52 seconds
Chapter7Chapter VII

TodoList case limits props

05 minutes33 seconds

TodoList case deletes a todo

12 minutes14 seconds

TodoList case implements bottom function

25 minutes05 seconds

TodoList case summary TodoList case

05 minutes42 seconds

Scaffolding configuration agent method 1

27 minutes28 seconds

Scaffolding configuration agent method 2

26 minutes10 seconds

github search case static components

19 minutes18 seconds

github search case axios send request

26 minutes03 seconds

Github search case display data

12 minutes52 seconds

github search case completion case

20 minutes36 seconds
Chapter8chapter eight

Message subscription and publishing technology pubsub

28 minutes25 seconds

fetch sends request

47 minutes01 seconds

Summary of github search cases

03 minutes47 seconds

Understanding of SPA applications

13 minutes21 seconds

Understanding of routing

11 minutes21 seconds

Front-end routing principle

23 minutes00 seconds

Basic usage of routing

43 minutes47 seconds

Routing components and general components

20 minutes19 seconds

Use of NavLink

06 minutes54 seconds

Encapsulating NavLink components

19 minutes43 seconds
Chapter9Chapter nine

Use of Switch

08 minutes38 seconds

Solve the problem of style loss

25 minutes06 seconds

Fuzzy matching and strict matching of routes

11 minutes53 seconds

Use of Redirect

07 minutes24 seconds

Nested routing

28 minutes18 seconds

Pass params parameters to routing components

28 minutes18 seconds

Pass search parameters to routing components

16 minutes17 seconds

Pass the state parameter to the routing component

18 minutes02 seconds

Summary routing parameters

02 minutes47 seconds

push and reply

07 minutes41 seconds
Chapter10chapter Ten

Programmatic route navigation

24 minutes25 seconds

Use of withRouter

11 minutes50 seconds

BrowserRouter and HashRouter

07 minutes57 seconds

Basic use of antd

31 minutes43 seconds

On-demand introduction of antd style

22 minutes00 seconds

antd custom theme

16 minutes04 seconds

Introduction to redux

16 minutes47 seconds

redux workflow

36 minutes10 seconds

Pure react version of summation case

19 minutes04 seconds

Sum case redux lite version

53 minutes18 seconds
Chapter11Chapter 11

Sum case redux full version

20 minutes31 seconds

Asynchronous action version of summation case

35 minutes55 seconds

Understanding of react-redux

08 minutes56 seconds

Connect container components and UI components

22 minutes26 seconds

Basic usage of react-redux

46 minutes03 seconds

Optimization 1 abbreviation mapDispatch

20 minutes14 seconds

Optimize the use of 2Provider component

13 minutes43 seconds

Optimization 3 Integrate UI components and container components

26 minutes59 seconds

Data sharing and writing Person components

14 minutes42 seconds

Data sharing and writing the reducer of the Person component

13 minutes36 seconds
Chapter12Chapter 12

Data sharing completes data sharing

33 minutes22 seconds

pure function

18 minutes16 seconds

redux developer tools

14 minutes42 seconds

final version

23 minutes27 seconds

Project package and run

07 minutes42 seconds

Extend 1setState

26 minutes33 seconds

Extension 2lazyLoad

20 minutes21 seconds

Extend 3stateHook

18 minutes18 seconds

Extend 4EffectHook

21 minutes49 seconds

Extend 5RefHook

04 minutes37 seconds
Chapter13Chapter 13

Extend 6Fragment

06 minutes53 seconds

Extend 7Context

26 minutes07 seconds

Extend 8PureComponent

44 minutes34 seconds

Extend 9renderProps

25 minutes34 seconds

Extend 10ErrorBoundary

31 minutes40 seconds

Summary of communication methods between components

06 minutes10 seconds
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