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In-depth explanation of TypeScript - Snake in action

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Introduction to TS

26 minutes08 seconds

TS development environment construction

14 minutes39 seconds

Type declaration of TS

28 minutes06 seconds

TS medium type (1)

27 minutes07 seconds

TS medium type (2)

34 minutes35 seconds

TS compilation options (1)

22 minutes34 seconds

TS compilation options (2)

21 minutes21 seconds

TS compilation options (3)

08 minutes41 seconds

TS compilation options (4)

13 minutes47 seconds

Use webpack to package ts code (1)

17 minutes55 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

Use webpack to package ts code (2)

18 minutes28 seconds

Use webpack to package ts code (3)

33 minutes01 seconds

Introduction to object-oriented

15 minutes16 seconds

Introduction to classes

18 minutes50 seconds

Constructor and this

15 minutes45 seconds

Introduction to inheritance

20 minutes34 seconds

super keyword

07 minutes43 seconds

abstract class

08 minutes27 seconds


16 minutes16 seconds

Attribute encapsulation

29 minutes28 seconds
Chapter3third chapter


15 minutes06 seconds

Exercise_Project construction

21 minutes40 seconds

Exercise_Project Interface

30 minutes14 seconds

Exercise_Complete Food Class

22 minutes32 seconds

Exercise_Complete the ScorePanel class

20 minutes35 seconds

Exercise_Initial completion of Snake class

13 minutes34 seconds

Exercise_GameControl Keyboard Events

21 minutes42 seconds

Exercise_GameControl makes the snake move

19 minutes50 seconds

Exercise_Snake hitting the wall and eating detection

18 minutes37 seconds

Exercise_body movement

41 minutes45 seconds
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