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Uniapp Jane Eyre reading project development--Season 2

Introduction >
Chapter1Editing and deleting articles

Editing of the article-1

13 minutes10 seconds

Editing of Article-2

08 minutes55 seconds

Editing of articles-3

10 minutes21 seconds

Deletion of article

06 minutes40 seconds
Chapter2Skeleton screen and article caching

Application of skeleton screen technology-1

08 minutes49 seconds

Application of skeleton screen technology-2

04 minutes40 seconds
Chapter3Realize linkage between navigation menu and slider

Dynamic highlight layout for navigation menu

10 minutes43 seconds

Realize the linkage between navigation menu and slider-1

05 minutes55 seconds

Realize the linkage between navigation menu and slider-2

09 minutes35 seconds
Chapter4Article data caching and slide layout

Request article data under different categories and cache them

10 minutes12 seconds

Forced rendering of article data

10 minutes40 seconds

News slider layout

05 minutes24 seconds
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