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Practical development of general backend management system (Thinkphp6+Layui)

Introduction >
Chapter1Chapter One

Project function introduction

04 minutes16 seconds

table design

11 minutes39 seconds

Install TP6 framework

12 minutes02 seconds

Login function 1

11 minutes30 seconds

Login function 2

10 minutes59 seconds
Chapter2Chapter two

front page

09 minutes05 seconds

Left navigation bar

09 minutes22 seconds

authority management

07 minutes24 seconds

Permission management and logging out

07 minutes28 seconds

Navigation CURD1

11 minutes01 seconds

Navigation CURD2

09 minutes16 seconds
Chapter3third chapter

Navigation CURD3

13 minutes30 seconds

Navigation CURD4

09 minutes30 seconds

Navigation CURD5

06 minutes56 seconds

Menu CURD1

10 minutes03 seconds

Menu CURD2

09 minutes36 seconds

Administrator's CURD

09 minutes03 seconds

Department CURD1

10 minutes13 seconds

Department CURD2

06 minutes37 seconds

Management of department authority menu 1

07 minutes14 seconds

Management of department authority menu 2

05 minutes40 seconds
Chapter4Chapter Four

Permission management on the left menu

06 minutes12 seconds

Judgment of current URL permissions

06 minutes45 seconds

Add department list

06 minutes31 seconds

Modify Personal Information

02 minutes03 seconds
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