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PHP project practice-EWShop mall system

Introduction >
Chapter1Project practice (1)

EWShop Project Development Record Course Description

12 minutes41 seconds

Web system development standard process

10 minutes23 seconds

Introduction to EWShop e-commerce system requirements manual

18 minutes41 seconds

Display EWShop product prototype diagram

17 minutes02 seconds

EWShop database design instructions

10 minutes01 seconds

Import all physical table structures for the project

13 minutes04 seconds

EWShop Programming Manual

13 minutes04 seconds

Create project infrastructure

17 minutes06 seconds

Introduction to MVC design pattern and custom framework

07 minutes30 seconds

Use Composer to create a framework to build routing components

11 minutes06 seconds
Chapter2Project practice (2)

Build a custom framework controller

17 minutes36 seconds

Template engine for building frameworks

16 minutes23 seconds

Control schemes in the optimization framework

21 minutes49 seconds

Application syntax of Twig template engine

11 minutes20 seconds

Build framework model component Medoo

17 minutes26 seconds

Data manipulation exercises through framework models

11 minutes05 seconds

Develop backend home page management platform and optimization framework

21 minutes24 seconds

Optimize the background homepage division template

12 minutes12 seconds

Backend home page information statistics management development

28 minutes10 seconds

List operation of friendly link module

17 minutes34 seconds
Chapter3Project practice (3)

Friendly link module addition and modification operations

17 minutes32 seconds

Friendly link module deletion and sorting operations

10 minutes53 seconds

Administrator module development

22 minutes16 seconds

User login operation and verification code components

19 minutes04 seconds

Login permission processing operations

23 minutes30 seconds

Advertising module operation

19 minutes57 seconds

File upload component application

17 minutes30 seconds

Basic information setting module development

16 minutes46 seconds

Article classification management module development

11 minutes20 seconds

Article list plus pagination

23 minutes14 seconds
Chapter4Project Practice (4)

Article module search plus paging

13 minutes38 seconds

Add articles using rich text

19 minutes34 seconds

Other operations of the article module

10 minutes54 seconds

Single page module management

11 minutes33 seconds

Infinitely categorized designs

31 minutes16 seconds

Unlimited category addition and modification operations

20 minutes40 seconds

Unlimited category deletion and sorting operations

08 minutes09 seconds

Product module design

24 minutes40 seconds

Product list operation search and paging

36 minutes15 seconds

Add and modify operations of product modules

15 minutes00 seconds
Chapter5Project practice (5)

Other operations of the product module

09 minutes02 seconds

Payment method module development

20 minutes43 seconds

Structural design of system front desk

16 minutes49 seconds

Separation design of public information and main information on home page

16 minutes31 seconds

Website basic information design module development

19 minutes02 seconds

Handle public header and footer information

21 minutes09 seconds

Record visitor’s access history

06 minutes54 seconds

Basic information acquisition and layout of the home page

18 minutes22 seconds

Complete the acquisition and display of main data on the homepage

19 minutes25 seconds

Product list page design and classification query

14 minutes04 seconds
Chapter6Project practice (6)

Implement breadcrumb navigation on list pages

14 minutes35 seconds

Find the best-selling rankings under the category and output

10 minutes50 seconds

Query and output data on list pages

09 minutes35 seconds

Set up product sorting and paging on the category page

13 minutes38 seconds

Product search module and adding paging

10 minutes27 seconds

Design and implementation of the main part of the product details page

16 minutes36 seconds

Product details page sidebar and navigation

07 minutes22 seconds

Single page module data display

11 minutes38 seconds

Article classification display

Article content module development

Chapter7Project practice (7)

User registration function development

20 minutes08 seconds

User login and logout operations

23 minutes28 seconds

Backend member management module list

20 minutes40 seconds

Other related operations on member lists

06 minutes15 seconds

Implementation of product collection function

14 minutes49 seconds

Implement product evaluation function

27 minutes07 seconds

Implement front-end user consultation module

18 minutes23 seconds

Backend consultation module list management

Reply management of backend consultation module

09 minutes21 seconds

Backend evaluation module management

15 minutes24 seconds
Chapter8Project practice (8)

Design and architecture of personal center

27 minutes48 seconds

Personal center user information modification

05 minutes16 seconds

Personal center users modify personal password settings

05 minutes19 seconds

Personal Center My Evaluation Record Management

09 minutes22 seconds

Personal Center My Consultation Record Management

Personal Center My Collection Management

Design a login-less shopping cart

45 minutes58 seconds

Use data tables to implement user login shopping

Merge COOKIE shopping cart and data table shopping cart when logging in

Fill in the user’s delivery information

Chapter9Project Practice (9)

Obtain shopping cart detailed records

19 minutes15 seconds

Modify the quantity of items in the shopping cart

17 minutes14 seconds

The whole process of generating an order

27 minutes06 seconds

Select Payment Method

22 minutes55 seconds

Merchant order processing process

Order data display and search

Order processing process

Processing order transaction process

25 minutes54 seconds

Delete order operation

08 minutes43 seconds

Modify order operation

37 minutes35 seconds
Chapter10Project practice (10)

Process the order and display process on the order details page

24 minutes56 seconds

Order list in personal center

14 minutes29 seconds

Order details operation in personal center

20 minutes28 seconds

Implementation of order query function

20 minutes51 seconds

Switch to a new template for your project

05 minutes34 seconds

Project online process

08 minutes00 seconds

Project extensions and assignment instructions

08 minutes44 seconds
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