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Analysis of core principles of Tomcat

Introduction >
Chapter1Analysis of Tomcat core principles (1)

Course content introduction

02 minutes22 seconds

Web related concepts

09 minutes03 seconds

Common web server software

03 minutes32 seconds

Tomcat installation and directory structure

09 minutes46 seconds

Tomcat source code deployment and running

13 minutes50 seconds

HTTP workflow

07 minutes16 seconds

Tomcat overall architecture

11 minutes46 seconds

Coyote connector architecture introduction.mp4

08 minutes37 seconds

Coyote Connector Components

06 minutes29 seconds

Catalina container structure

19 minutes54 seconds
Chapter2Analysis of Tomcat core principles (2)

Start process

11 minutes38 seconds

Startup process - introduction to components involved

Startup process - source code tracking

23 minutes37 seconds

Start process - Track source code - Debug

Tomcat architecture - request processing process

17 minutes36 seconds

Request processing process - source code tracking

Jasper Engine - Introduction

06 minutes27 seconds

Jasper engine - compilation method - process source code

22 minutes58 seconds

Jasper engine - compilation principle

Server Configuration - Introduction(Server,Service)

Chapter3Analysis of Tomcat core principles (3)

Server Configuration - Executor

Server Configuration - Connector

Server configuration - Engine,Host

Server configuration - Context

Web application configuration introduction

Web application configuration - context-param

Web application configuration - session configuration session-config

Web application configuration - servlet-listener-filter

Web application configuration - welcome page and error page

Tomcat management configuration - host-manager

Chapter4Analysis of Tomcat core principles (4)

Tomcat management configuration - manager

JVM configuration - memory parameter configuration

13 minutes15 seconds

Tomat Cluster - Introduction and Preparation

Tomat cluster - load balancing strategy

Tomat cluster - session sharing issues and solutions

Tomat Cluster - Session Replication

Tomat cluster - SSO solves session sharing problem

Tomat Security - Configure Security

Tomat Security - Transport Security

Tomat Security - Transport Security HTTPS Protocol Configuration

Chapter5Analysis of Tomcat core principles (5)

Tomat performance tuning - performance testing

Tomat performance tuning - Performance test result description

Tomat performance tuning - JVM memory parameter tuning

Tomat Performance Tuning - Introduction to JVM Garbage Collector

Tomat performance tuning - garbage collector configuration adjustment

16 minutes14 seconds

Tomat performance tuning - linker configuration adjustment

WebSocket - Introduction

WebSocket - Tomcat support

WebSocket - Case - Requirements and Process Analysis

WebSocket - Case - Preparation

Chapter6Analysis of Tomcat core principles (6)

WebSocket - Case - Login function

WebSocket - Case - OnOpen

WebSocket - Case - OnOpen Test

WebSocket - Case - OnMessage Analysis

04 minutes19 seconds

WebSocket - Case - OnMessage function implementation

13 minutes25 seconds

WebSocket - Case - OnMessage Function Test

WebSocket - Case - Introduction to OnClose and OnError

04 minutes04 seconds
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