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PHP development APP interface project practice

Introduction >
Chapter1PHP development APP interface project practice (1)

PHP development APP interface course concept content

05 minutes24 seconds

Introduction to APP interface

09 minutes14 seconds

Client and server HTTP communication

05 minutes27 seconds

How the client passes parameters

11 minutes39 seconds

How to get parameters on the server side

21 minutes45 seconds

Introduction to JSON

03 minutes51 seconds

APP interface encapsulates Json format output

23 minutes20 seconds

Authentication of APP interface

10 minutes39 seconds


09 minutes41 seconds

The use of code encapsulation JWT

13 minutes33 seconds
Chapter2PHP development APP interface project practice (2)

The use of code encapsulation JWT

18 minutes57 seconds

How does the server use JWT to issue tokens?

04 minutes30 seconds

How does the server authenticate the token?

14 minutes18 seconds

Use middleware authentication token

20 minutes40 seconds

Business logic exception handling

11 minutes13 seconds

Business exception handling practice

23 minutes24 seconds

User information interface table design

08 minutes04 seconds

Develop user information interface

28 minutes09 seconds

Using Redis cache to accelerate user information interface

18 minutes22 seconds

PHP APP development course summary

06 minutes33 seconds
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