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Play with WeChat mini programs from scratch

Introduction >
Chapter1Mini Program Basics Video (1)

Course Introduction

04 minutes56 seconds

Introduction to WeChat Mini Program

08 minutes34 seconds

Environment preparation for WeChat mini program

08 minutes20 seconds

My first WeChat applet

06 minutes29 seconds

Introduction to WeChat Developer Tools

17 minutes59 seconds

Directory structure of native framework

11 minutes27 seconds

Global configuration file-pages field

06 minutes50 seconds

Global configuration file-window field

10 minutes30 seconds

Global configuration file-tabbar field

12 minutes27 seconds

Page configuration file

03 minutes30 seconds
Chapter2Mini Program Basics Video (2)

sitmap configuration

01 minutes50 seconds

Code editor skills before data binding

08 minutes10 seconds

data binding

09 minutes53 seconds


04 minutes21 seconds

Array and object loops

14 minutes32 seconds

Use of block tags

03 minutes00 seconds

Conditional rendering

10 minutes42 seconds

event binding 1

10 minutes56 seconds

Event binding 2

08 minutes43 seconds


16 minutes07 seconds
Chapter3Mini Program Basics Video (3)


02 minutes53 seconds

Styles - selectors and using less

09 minutes04 seconds

How to write wxss comments

08 minutes57 seconds

view and text tags

07 minutes38 seconds

image picture tag

16 minutes34 seconds

swiper - calculate the height of swiper proportionally

11 minutes06 seconds

swiper - common properties

05 minutes09 seconds

navigator navigation tag

13 minutes38 seconds

rich-textRich text tag

07 minutes42 seconds

button-appearance style

06 minutes38 seconds
Chapter4Mini Program Basics Video (4)

Button's opening ability 1

14 minutes36 seconds

Button's opening ability 2

06 minutes45 seconds


03 minutes36 seconds

radio radio button

07 minutes06 seconds


Introduction to custom components

04 minutes37 seconds

First experience with custom components

07 minutes18 seconds

Custom component-Tabs-style optimization

07 minutes42 seconds

Custom component-title activation selected

10 minutes43 seconds

Custom component - parent passes data to child

08 minutes12 seconds
Chapter5Mini Program Basics Video (5)

Custom component - child passes data to parent

11 minutes06 seconds

Custom component-slot

03 minutes57 seconds

Other properties of the component

03 minutes49 seconds

Application life cycle

16 minutes04 seconds

Page life cycle

20 minutes04 seconds
Chapter6Practical combat of Yougou project (1)

Project preview

04 minutes38 seconds

Project technology selection

03 minutes31 seconds

Project construction step one

07 minutes51 seconds

Project construction step 2 (introducing iconfont)

05 minutes54 seconds

Project construction step three (build tabbar)

04 minutes46 seconds

Project construction step four - initialize page style

07 minutes57 seconds

Home page-Search box

08 minutes53 seconds

Home page-Get carousel chart data

09 minutes46 seconds

Home-Carousel-Dynamic Rendering

09 minutes52 seconds
Chapter7Practical combat of Yougou project (2)

Modify the native request into a promise

07 minutes32 seconds

Home-Category Navigation

06 minutes14 seconds

Home-Floor 1

10 minutes18 seconds

Home-Floor 2

10 minutes42 seconds

Classification-the relationship between interface data and page effects

07 minutes33 seconds

Classification-get interface data

08 minutes20 seconds

Category-Page Layout 1

10 minutes13 seconds

Category-Page Layout 2

12 minutes35 seconds

Category-Click the menu to switch product content

04 minutes00 seconds

Classification - using caching technology

14 minutes40 seconds

Category-click the menu-top the list on the right

04 minutes46 seconds
Chapter8Practical practice of Yougou project (3)

Optimize interface code-extract public interface path

05 minutes31 seconds

Optimized interface - simplify return values ​​and use es7's async

09 minutes00 seconds

Product list-get category id

08 minutes05 seconds

Product list-implement search box and tabs components

15 minutes58 seconds

Product List-Static Style

07 minutes06 seconds

Product List-Dynamic Rendering

09 minutes29 seconds

Product list-load next page data

14 minutes34 seconds

Product list-pull down to refresh

08 minutes51 seconds

Add global loading icon effect

09 minutes22 seconds

Product Details-Get Data

07 minutes07 seconds
Chapter9Practical practice of Yougou project (4)

Product details-interface data and page analysis

04 minutes03 seconds

Product details - dynamic rendering of carousel images

05 minutes57 seconds

Product details - price & name & picture and text details

Product details-optimized dynamic rendering

05 minutes57 seconds

Product details-enlarge preview image

07 minutes20 seconds

Product details-bottom toolbar

13 minutes24 seconds

Product details-bottom toolbar

13 minutes24 seconds

Product Details-Add to Cart

10 minutes43 seconds

Shopping Cart-Shopping Cart Analysis & Receipt Button Style

Shopping cart-delivery address analysis

04 minutes59 seconds
Chapter10Practical practice of Yougou project (5)

Shopping Cart-Complete process of obtaining shipping address

12 minutes32 seconds

Shopping cart - optimize the code for obtaining the shipping address

10 minutes51 seconds

Shopping cart-shipping address and button switching display

10 minutes35 seconds

Shopping Cart-Shopping Cart List-Static Style

11 minutes44 seconds

Shopping cart-bottom toolbar-static structure

06 minutes41 seconds

Shopping cart-data dynamic rendering

05 minutes49 seconds

Shopping Cart-Select All-Data Display

06 minutes30 seconds

Shopping Cart - Total Price and Total Quantity

06 minutes23 seconds

Shopping cart - product selected

11 minutes22 seconds

Shopping cart-select all-inverse selection

05 minutes09 seconds

Shopping Cart-Item Quantity Editing

07 minutes38 seconds
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