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Uni-App from entry to practical use

Introduction >
Chapter1uni-app from entry to practical use (1)

Basic introduction to courses and uni

05 minutes47 seconds

Set up the uni-app environment and create a project to run

11 minutes09 seconds

A brief introduction to the project directory and development specifications

05 minutes47 seconds

globalStyle global appearance configuration

07 minutes17 seconds

Create new pages and page configurations

07 minutes46 seconds

Configure basic tabbar

09 minutes27 seconds

Other attribute configurations of tabbar

05 minutes07 seconds

condition startup mode configuration

05 minutes59 seconds

Basic usage of text component

08 minutes43 seconds

Basic usage of view components

07 minutes56 seconds
Chapter2uni-app from entry to practical use (2)

Use of button button component

04 minutes34 seconds

Basic usage of image component

06 minutes13 seconds

Learning styles in uni and how to use scss and font icons

19 minutes30 seconds

Basic data binding

05 minutes46 seconds

Use of v-bind and v-for

06 minutes42 seconds

How to register an event, pass parameters and obtain the event object

04 minutes57 seconds

Learning about life cycle functions

11 minutes36 seconds

Pull down to refresh learning

11 minutes27 seconds

pull-up loading

04 minutes42 seconds

Send get request

10 minutes15 seconds
Chapter3uni-app from entry to practical use (3)

Data cache

12 minutes11 seconds

Image upload and preview

15 minutes42 seconds

Conditional compilation cross-port compatibility

10 minutes10 seconds

Two ways to navigate and jump and pass parameters

17 minutes47 seconds

Creation and use of components and component life cycle functions

15 minutes33 seconds

How to communicate between components

13 minutes46 seconds

Basic introduction and use of uni-ui component library

05 minutes21 seconds

Project function introduction

02 minutes27 seconds

Create the project and clean up the structure and configure the basic appearance

05 minutes09 seconds

Complete the configuration of the bottom tabbar

08 minutes33 seconds
Chapter4uni-app from entry to practical use (4)

Get carousel chart data

11 minutes33 seconds

Encapsulate the $myRequest method and mount it globally

12 minutes19 seconds

Complete the rendering of the homepage carousel image

08 minutes28 seconds

Implement the basic structure of navigation

12 minutes35 seconds

Complete recommended product structure

18 minutes22 seconds

Complete the rendering of recommended product data

06 minutes37 seconds

Renovate the navigation area and jump to the product list page

09 minutes17 seconds

Encapsulate the product list component and use

09 minutes19 seconds

Implement pull-up to load more and pull-down to refresh

15 minutes14 seconds

Complete the map of the Contact Us page and make a call

15 minutes22 seconds
Chapter5uni-app from entry to practical use (5)

Implement the structure and style of the left side of the community picture

12 minutes33 seconds

Implement left data rendering and click highlighting

07 minutes01 seconds

Implement the rendering of data on the right

11 minutes46 seconds

Complete the picture preview function

04 minutes12 seconds

Implement the structure of the information list and the acquisition of data

10 minutes24 seconds

Implement the encapsulation of news-item components

05 minutes09 seconds

Implement list jump details and pass id

11 minutes57 seconds

Complete the information details page

12 minutes38 seconds

Click on the product list to navigate to the product details page

06 minutes22 seconds

Implement product details carousel

08 minutes23 seconds

The structure of other parts of the implementation details

11 minutes00 seconds

Complete data rendering of details page

10 minutes40 seconds

Use uni-ui to implement the bottom navigation area

10 minutes19 seconds

Complete mini program packaging and release

10 minutes43 seconds

Complete h5 packaging

02 minutes38 seconds

Complete Android packaging

08 minutes00 seconds
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