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Vue 3.0 new practical course-Season 2

Introduction >
Chapter11 Project description and initial construction of the structure

1_Vue3.x project description and development goals

08 minutes32 seconds

2_Project requirements analysis and interface documentation

14 minutes02 seconds

3_Use vue scaffolding to create ewshop project

15 minutes19 seconds

4_Initialize the project and set the directory alias

10 minutes05 seconds

5_Initialize the global style content of the project

11 minutes02 seconds

6_Initialization project encapsulation network request

21 minutes00 seconds

7_Project navigation menu production

25 minutes30 seconds

8_Design and development of project title bar

22 minutes38 seconds

9_Design and develop recommended product components for home page

29 minutes36 seconds
Chapter22 Home page content development for mobile version mall project

01_Design and develop homepage tab component

20 minutes21 seconds

02_Product list component design and development

19 minutes59 seconds

03_Product list binding interface data

21 minutes11 seconds

04_Develop pull-up to load more data

29 minutes24 seconds

05_Handling pull-up loading data and navigation bar fixing

19 minutes20 seconds

06_Back to top components and keep-alife usage

13 minutes15 seconds

07_Install and use vant component library (swiper)

19 minutes12 seconds

08_Vant component library uses image lazy loading and badges

09 minutes07 seconds
Chapter33 Core business function development of the project

01_Category page layout and menu

26 minutes14 seconds

02_Interactive mode for writing classified pages

18 minutes07 seconds

03_Get classification data from the interface

26 minutes35 seconds

04_Handle pull-up to load more data (better-scroll)

15 minutes06 seconds

05_Get product details information

15 minutes46 seconds

06_Render product data into the template

21 minutes57 seconds

07_User registration component development

19 minutes58 seconds

08_Complete user registration and verification

20 minutes46 seconds

09_User login development process

16 minutes37 seconds

10_User login authorization scheme processing

31 minutes25 seconds
Chapter44. Shopping process for development projects

01_Add to cart

31 minutes52 seconds

02_Get shopping cart list and quantity change operation

34 minutes47 seconds

03_Change the selected status of the shopping cart

19 minutes48 seconds

04_Delete shopping cart items and calculate total price

14 minutes21 seconds

05_Functional design and development of personal center

12 minutes28 seconds

06_Network request method of encapsulating address

09 minutes18 seconds

07_Add address information

25 minutes39 seconds

08_Traverse address list information

10 minutes35 seconds

09_Edit address information

20 minutes32 seconds
Chapter55 Development and implementation of project order management and payment process

01_Packaging order network request module

21 minutes22 seconds

02_Write order preview

17 minutes18 seconds

03_Create order

05 minutes56 seconds

04_Order payment process writing

19 minutes30 seconds

05_Order details processing (Part 1)

24 minutes49 seconds

06_Order details processing (Part 2)

19 minutes36 seconds

07_Processing order list data

27 minutes41 seconds

08_Processing order list drop-down to load more

09 minutes45 seconds

09_Project installation and operation online

11 minutes18 seconds
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