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Vue 3.0 new practical course-Season 1

Introduction >
Chapter1Installation and use of Vue3 scaffolding

Vue3 framework course content introduction

10 minutes34 seconds

Get to know Vue

14 minutes18 seconds

CDN installation and basic development function experience of Vue3

28 minutes25 seconds

Vue-cli scaffolding installation and project creation

33 minutes25 seconds

Experience vue development and expand configuration through vue-cli

28 minutes32 seconds

options basic definition and MVVM mode

24 minutes57 seconds

Template basic syntax and interpolation and instructions

14 minutes44 seconds

Vue template basic syntax v-bind application

26 minutes24 seconds
Chapter2Basic syntax of Vue3 framework

Vue template basic syntax computed property

19 minutes54 seconds

Vue template basic syntax event monitoring v-on

23 minutes52 seconds

Vue template basic syntax conditional branch v-if and v-show

10 minutes44 seconds

Vue template basic syntax loop traversal v-for

17 minutes43 seconds

Key binding in v-for

17 minutes17 seconds

Detailed explanation of Vue template syntax v-model

26 minutes59 seconds

Comprehensive application of Vue template syntax-shopping cart case

25 minutes53 seconds
Chapter3Application and communication of Vue3 components

Introduction to Vue component development ideas

08 minutes42 seconds

Create Vue components and component syntax structures

26 minutes24 seconds

Component development ideas

21 minutes57 seconds

Passing props from parent to child (communication between components)

24 minutes46 seconds

Pass parent $emit from son to parent (communication between components)

11 minutes33 seconds

How parent and child components access each other

12 minutes32 seconds

Detailed explanation of Vue slot application

21 minutes05 seconds

The life cycle function of components in Vue3

24 minutes16 seconds

Using axios to request the server in Vue

29 minutes31 seconds

Encapsulate network requests

18 minutes06 seconds
Chapter4Installation and use of Vue3 routing

Understand Vue’s routing

25 minutes21 seconds

VueRouter routing application experience

26 minutes59 seconds

Router mode switching and lazy loading

17 minutes58 seconds

Customize router-link and use named views

18 minutes30 seconds

Nested routing (sub-routing)

14 minutes14 seconds

Dynamic routing and parameter passing

26 minutes07 seconds

Redirects and aliases

13 minutes30 seconds

Introduction and application of navigation guard

19 minutes19 seconds

Use keep-alive and vue-router together

19 minutes26 seconds
Chapter5Installation and use of Vuex state management

Vuex state management application overview

10 minutes14 seconds

Install and experience Vuex state management

17 minutes58 seconds

Use devtools tools to view status management

20 minutes12 seconds

Mutations parameter passing problem

16 minutes02 seconds

Computed property getters application in Vuex

24 minutes31 seconds

ActionsAsynchronous processing operations

20 minutes40 seconds

Modules module division and file splitting

38 minutes22 seconds
Chapter6Detailed explanation of Vue3’s new syntax combination API

CompositionAPI composition API introduction and experience

17 minutes34 seconds

Detailed explanation of combination API entry method setup

21 minutes19 seconds

Commonly used API applications in Composition

28 minutes32 seconds

computed property API in Composition

10 minutes47 seconds

CompositionAPI listener watch

21 minutes03 seconds

Lifecycle API in Composition

08 minutes46 seconds

Use provide and inject in the composition API

18 minutes33 seconds

Composition API is used with routers

32 minutes34 seconds

Composition API is used with Vuex

21 minutes00 seconds

Vue3 summary and homework

08 minutes49 seconds
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