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PHP development basics, classes and objects

Introduction >
Chapter1Access to classes and class members

Class declaration and instantiation techniques

25 minutes54 seconds

Knowledge of class attributes and class constants

23 minutes36 seconds

Class automatic loading technology

25 minutes16 seconds

Access restriction and encapsulation technology of class members

19 minutes03 seconds
Chapter2static keyword and overloading technology

Class inheritance and code reuse

18 minutes34 seconds

Detailed explanation of the use of range parsing operator (::)

20 minutes06 seconds

Detailed explanation of static keyword

09 minutes40 seconds

Late static binding technology

17 minutes13 seconds

Overloading techniques for attributes and methods in classes

33 minutes13 seconds
Chapter3Namespace full contact

Detailed explanation of Trait characteristic technology

29 minutes43 seconds

First introduction to namespaces

28 minutes20 seconds

How to declare multiple namespaces in one script

20 minutes04 seconds

How to import an external namespace

18 minutes47 seconds
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